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i havent played civ 1 or 2 in a longtime he might of been in those, might of been CTP tho.. Idk i seem to remember him lol just not sure where from
I own Civ II for the PS1, and Hitler is most definitely not in it. I can't say for Civ I though. I also own Civ II: Test of Time, and I certainly don't recall Hitler being in it.
The reason is economical indeed as many of you said,it is a symbol,a negative and forbiten immage.
That is the irony,half of the leaders in this game did the same.Life isn't a countable product so i don't know if Alexander the Great has slaughtered less people than Hitler and if so what sould make him.
Anyway by declaring hitler as the only ''bad'' person in the entire history is tragic.I only understand that by doing so we can jastify all the rest,and this is sick,it is a false immage of the reality.
But Civ is a game afterall...
The reason I believe Hitler wasn't involved is because they didn't want to make the game Different for Germany, and it is still a sensative subject. Hell you can't make football games with OJ Simpson, without offending people, and he was found Innocent(and then found guilty in civil case lol) Idk how Stalin, or Mao got in over Hitler, possibly because their crimes are lesser known.

in my opinion Hitler was a great leader. just an evil man. If anyone Deserves to be In Civ it should be Hitler.

i dont understand why anyone would be against discussing or learning about Hitler, because those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.

Good point meatwad. People too often assume that any conversation about Hitler is somehow trying to justify his actions, which is simply not the case.
Öjevind Lång;5937229 said:
Yes. He was the only one committed to exterminating everyone with three or four grandparents of a certain origin (Jewish, as it happened), shooting or gassing even babes in arms or people who were hardly aware of their Jewish origins. No matter how evil Stalin and Mao were, they never did anything approaching that in sheer, insane cruelty.

You should read a little more about Stalin. He made Hitler seem kind and gentle, but he was on the winning side and did a better job of keeping his crimes against humanity hidden.

Not that I'm pro-Hitler, mind you. They were both nasty pieces of work, but I think Stalin was actually the worse of the two.

yea, but Civ 1 had Hitler in it, im positive of it.
No it was Frederick. I can still remember his leaderhead music. Civ 2 had at least one mod with facist goverment and probably a mod with Hitler, but not Hitler in official vanilla version.
The Mods should put up a sticky Thread on Forums Rules Clearly stately, "No Threads on Hitler"
Hmm, yeah.

The newbies can be forgiven somewhat, but for everybody else, it would just be trolling at this point.
If you've ever played Command and Conquer Red Alert you would know why you can't play as Hitler. Albert Einstein built a time machine, went back in time and got rid of Hitler while he was a youth which remove Hitler from games ever since. After that we had to deal with Stalin (in games) take over the world/map.

That would be very interesting, since Einstein emigrated to America because of Hitler and established himself at Princeton. So if he invented this supposed time machine there, then he would create a time paradox by going back and killing Hitler, thus negating the reason he came to America and preventing himself from inventing the thing! :crazyeye:

Calling Dr. Brown... Dr. Fermi... Dr. Brown!

Ah, enough of that...
That would be very interesting, since Einstein emigrated to America because of Hitler and established himself at Princeton. So if he invented this supposed time machine there, then he would create a time paradox by going back and killing Hitler, thus negating the reason he came to America and preventing himself from inventing the thing! :crazyeye:

Calling Dr. Brown... Dr. Fermi... Dr. Brown!

Ah, enough of that...

welll... He could create a machine to battle Paradoxes...

or he could just call the Doctor and do it that way.
How To Play As Hitler In Civilization IV

Step 1: Start a new game of Civ 4 / Warlords / BtS.

Step 2: Start a new game (custom or "play now").

Step 3: Select Germany as your civ.

Step 4: Rename your leader to "Adolf Hitler."

Congratulations, you can now play as Hitler.

Really, do we need anything else?
Uah, lots of misconceptions here, as usual in a Hitler thread.

First, no matter how many people repeat it, Hitler was not in Civ1, neither was he included in Civ2. Just play the game(s) and check.

Second, depicting Hitler is not illegal in Germany. we have movies about Hitler, books with his face on the cover, school books, encyclopedias etc. Depicting Hitler is *only* illegal here if it glorifies Nazism. Hitler running a civilization with Free Speech and Emancipation (as an example) certainly wouldn't glorify anything. It would not be illegal, although some people might want to take the game to court. They'd probably lose their case there, but I guess that Firaxis doesn't want the bad publicity that such an affair would generate.

As a side note, certain Nazi symbols *are* illegal in Germany. This is because of a law the Aliies imposed after winning World War 2, this law simply has never been revoked. As it stands, Displaying Hitler in a game is not illegal (as long as it doesn't glorify Nazism), displaying Swastikas (and some other symbold) however is.

Third, calling Hitler a "good leader" except for his cruelties doesn't show much knowledge of history. Hitler's economy would've totally bankrupted and destroyed the country, not to mention that huge parts of it were simply fraud (see MeFo-shares). He just knew that he could get away with that because he was already preparing for war. The only thing the nazis were pretty good at was propaganda - as can be seen, people believe their lies even decades after their demise.
Uah, lots of misconceptions here, as usual in a Hitler thread.

First, no matter how many people repeat it, Hitler was not in Civ1, neither was he included in Civ2. Just play the game(s) and check.


From the Civ 2 WWII scenario.
Okay... From the Civ 2 WWII scenario.
Gah, you're right. I've never played that scenario and did only think about the epic game (where Hitler really wasn't ever included in any of the games).

Thanks for putting that right, I hate it when I spread wrong information.

But there was no Hitler leaderhead in this scenario, was there? Makes me wonder whether the "Include him!"-faction would be satisfied by choosing a name with no leaderhead ... hrm.
But there was no Hitler leaderhead in this scenario, was there? Makes me wonder whether the "Include him!"-faction would be satisfied by choosing a name with no leaderhead ... hrm.

I don't believe Civ 2 had any custom leaderheads for scenarios, so no.
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