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Hitler's not been included in any Civ game, and doubtful he'll ever make it in. Why: because he instituted the mass murder of millions of innocent people.

Everyone overlooks the fact that he was, IMO, not too bad a political leader. It's just his Fascist beliefs that make him hated, and therefore not a leader in Civ.

You can get a mod though, there's 2 or 3 lying around somewhere...
People overlook that Stalin did far worse things, much more often. But w/e....
Yeah exactly... Stalin was just as bad, if not worse, and yet he's a leader. Hitler just has much more of a stigma.


Personally, neither of them have much appeal to me, but as previously mentioned, there are several mods which add him... grab one of those if you must play as an evil dictator.
Hitler's not been included in any Civ game, and doubtful he'll ever make it in. Why: because he instituted the mass murder of millions of innocent people.

I don't know if you can use that for a reason though -- a lot of leaders in civ instituted the mass murder of large %s of people and other genocide type things, and they made it in the game.

Stalin (obvious), Isabella (obvious), Mao (infanticide policies), Shaka (went insane on his own people and had to be assassinated by his brother)... just to name a few.
I don't know if you can use that for a reason though -- a lot of leaders in civ instituted the mass murder of large %s of people and other genocide type things, and they made it in the game.

Stalin (obvious), Isabella (obvious), Mao (infanticide policies), Shaka (went insane on his own people and had to be assassinated by his brother)... just to name a few.

Meh. I guess Hitler's just the most infamous...

I mean, I personally have no problem with him being included; he never did anything to me. But what he did was pretty sickening.
Meh. I guess Hitler's just the most infamous...

I mean, I personally have no problem with him being included; he never did anything to me. But what he did was pretty sickening.

Yes. He was the only one committed to exterminating everyone with three or four grandparents of a certain origin (Jewish, as it happened), shooting or gassing even babes in arms or people who were hardly aware of their Jewish origins. No matter how evil Stalin and Mao were, they never did anything approaching that in sheer, insane cruelty.

The moderators have promised to shut down any Hitler thread on sight. I hope they'll be as good as their word.
If you've ever played Command and Conquer Red Alert you would know why you can't play as Hitler. Albert Einstein built a time machine, went back in time and got rid of Hitler while he was a youth which remove Hitler from games ever since. After that we had to deal with Stalin (in games) take over the world/map.
As a German I can say I'd hate to see Hitler in the game. Although you could argue he was good at winning people for his cause, he wasn't a good leader, the Nazis were merely good at Propaganda.
We still have to fight people who glorify him, so don't give them any more fuel by allowing them to play their sick idol in a video game.
Regardless of whether Hitler was worse than Mao/Stalin, Hitler's crimes are more famous and is universally hated amongst the Western world, which naturally focuses more on him than maybe what Mao/Stalin did. I mean, reminders of the holocaust never seem to cease, if it's not documentaries or holocaust survivors' children seeking compensation or some other thing.
I think the reasons are economic really.

1)Having Hitler be a leaderhead in the game would make the game illegal in Germany, cutting out a major consumer base.

2)Having Hitler be a leaderhead will piss off alot of people, and further cut out large demographics from the consumer base.

As to Hitler being too evil to be in the game, utter nonsense. Hitler was a bad man, tis true, and so was Moa, Ghengis, and Stalin. All mass murderers, all genocidal, killing millions. Yet Hitler is not in the game for economic reasons based on politics. And frankly if I were calling the shots at Fireaxis, I'd do the same, even though I personally think the game would be more true to the Civ ceries to include Hitler. However from the companies standpoint, it's not worth it to include him.
Also notice that Firaxis has never included Isreal as a civ either in any civ game. They probably feel it's best to leave both out.
Please use the search feature and find one of the (unfortunately many) previous threads on this topic, which has nothing to do with BTS, by the way, and could and should be in the general forum.
Because nazi images and paraphernalia are banned in Germany which is one of the countries the game ships too. That's really all the reason there needs to be and the rest is really moot.
Meh. I guess Hitler's just the most
I mean, I personally have no problem with him being included; he never did anything to me.

"You wrecked Hitler's car! What did he ever do to you?" :lol:

Anyways, you can't play as Hitler because Hitler is Hitler.

Simple as that.

Hitler's not been included in any Civ game, and doubtful he'll ever make it in. Why: because he instituted the mass murder of millions of innocent people.

umm... Hitler was in Civ 1. I also think Hitler was in Civ 2. I am positive he was in Civ 1 though..
The Mods should put up a sticky Thread on Forums Rules Clearly stately, "No Threads on Hitler"
The reason I believe Hitler wasn't involved is because they didn't want to make the game Different for Germany, and it is still a sensative subject. Hell you can't make football games with OJ Simpson, without offending people, and he was found Innocent(and then found guilty in civil case lol) Idk how Stalin, or Mao got in over Hitler, possibly because their crimes are lesser known.

in my opinion Hitler was a great leader. just an evil man. If anyone Deserves to be In Civ it should be Hitler.

i dont understand why anyone would be against discussing or learning about Hitler, because those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.
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