HN02-A The Pacifist Power of Religion

Our maintenance is definitely becoming a problem but at least we have secured our northern region from foreign settlement. The south could probably wait since any foreign settlement down there will fall to our culture eventually. Getting Libraries and Monasteries will help, especially in Bombay. I would definitely see about getting two scientists setup there. A priest setup somewhere for a Great Prophet and shrine would be nice too. Spreading Buddhism around and eventually getting a Market/Grocer/Bank in Delhi will alleviate a lot of our expenses.

Current Roster:
LuvToBuild -> third round completed
pigswill -> third round completed
Krockel -> third round completed
FoolontheHill -> UP
omurtag -> on deck
We already run a priest specialist in Delhi and have done so for some time. So we will like to pop a Great Prophet first. For shrine or taoism, if the later is stil open when we get our prophet.

I agree on assigning scientist in Bombay when that library is done. But I geting a Great Prophet before a Great Scientist is the way to go in this game.
Krockel said:
We already run a priest specialist in Delhi and have done so for some time. So we will like to pop a Great Prophet first. For shrine or taoism, if the later is stil open when we get our prophet.

I agree on assigning scientist in Bombay when that library is done. But I geting a Great Prophet before a Great Scientist is the way to go in this game.

Ok, I guess I didn't look around that closely. Reading back through pigswill's report I realize that he did mention that but I just forgot I had read it apparently :crazyeye: Getting a Great Prophet first would be good. I suggest using him for the shrine or settling him so that we can start pumping research back up. I think settling him would actually get us more :gold: than a shrine right now because we only have two cities with our religion. A shrine would be good for long term though and i would suggest doing that instead of settling him. I don't have the save open right now but IIRC, we don't have Polytheism, Monotheism or Theology yet so he will give us those first before we can ever use him for Civil Service or Taoism. He won't give us Taoism until after we have Divine Right unless we skip Monarchy.
No screenies this time as nothing really warranted a look.

Boy, we are really commerce starved. Courthouses will help a little, but our big problem is just not much commerce. The holy city and shrine are going to be critical!!

Turn 1 - Monastery in Delhi, start missionary.

Turn 2 - Research down to 30%!!! COL in 27t!!! :eek:

Turn 3 & 4 - :coffee:

Turn 5 - I lure the barb galley into attacking our two galleys. Bad dice roll and we lose a galley. I finish off the remaining galley with ours. Christianity is FIDL. Research can go back up to 40%, COL in about 12.

Turn 6 - Obelisk in Madras, start workboat for the fish tile at Calcutta.

Turn 7 - Parthenon BIDL.

Turn 8 - Obelisk in Zhou, start Lighthouse.

Turn 9 - :sleep:

Turn 10 - Wk boat in Madras, start granary. Illinois grows to size two, so I move three axes to the forest to the east of it. Time seems right to grab it.

I let Bombay go unhappy by accident, so I put a temple at the top of the queue. It should finish in about 10 turns.

We need to stimulate growth in our cities and start working some coastal tiles for some commerce. Granaries and lighthouses should probably be a priority in the new cities. I would let Delhi just keep pumping out missionaries for the forseable future.

I have one galley going up the eastern coast of the Roman island and another heading to Delhi to pick up missionaries if needed.

Save is attached.
Yeah maintenance is killing us. I hope we can start getting it resolved before we fall way too far behind. I hope in the end we will be glad we secured our territory before JC could colonize us. With not being able to initiate conflict, it was critical that we grab what we could while the getting was good.

Current Roster:
LuvToBuild -> on deck
pigswill -> third round completed
Krockel -> third round completed
FoolontheHill -> third round completed
omurtag -> UP
Got it.

I looked at the save, and I saw that we have 3 axes next to barb city, but I won't attack it probably.
Sorry for the delay guys.

Turn 1
Buddism spreads to Madras by itself. Great, no need to burn a missionary there. I attack the barb city with two axes and kill two archers, the axes gain experience enough for promotions. However I didn't attack the third archer with our third axe, the city will be a financial burden.

Turn 2
Barb archer in the thundra attacks our archer and dies.

Turn 4
Delhi Buddist missionary -> Granary

Turn 9
Our missionary landed on JC's land.

Turn 10
Someone built the Great Lighthouse, we finish Code of Laws. I clicked on Alphabet, but no beakers are invested yet, so no harm is done :)

It was very quiet turn, nothing really happened.
I think I'll switch from working the cottage to working the third farm. This will increase growth by 5 turns and get us to size 6 that much sooner. I will start a lighthouse in Delhi after the granary. We can retrain our farmers as fishermen when it completes. This should help with getting more :commerce: for :science: We have a happiness cap of 8 right now so we probably want to get to that size before switching to the coast and stopping growth. I notice we no longer have a priest in Delhi. I was disappointed at first but after assessing the situation I realized that growth in Delhi is more important than the GP for a shrine right now.

Bombay has a temple now and plenty of extra food. I'm thinking it might be best to setup a priest there, even if he is starting from scratch. It would be 100 turns to a GP but we need to slow Bombay's growth anyway. I will see what kind of rearrangement I can come up with to balance getting Alphabet, building the Library, and getting a GP.

I see a pressing need for some city defenders in our northern cities. I think I will delay the galley in Madras and build two CGI archers to defend Bangalore and Calcutta. I'll leave the galley to complete for pigswill. Our coastline is still dangerous but the barb galleys seem to be forced further south now and I'm concerned JC might decide to catch us with our pants down if he ever comes snooping around.

Current Roster:
LuvToBuild -> UP
pigswill -> on deck
Krockel -> third round completed
FoolontheHill -> third round completed
omurtag -> third round completed
lurker comment:

For Taoism you can use a GS too....and keep your pants up please.....
I looked around a bit again before starting. I moved the citizen working the cottage in Delhi to the third farm. That speed up our growth to size 6 by 5 turns. I felt like getting to size 8 quickly was important. I rearranged our citizens in Bombay somewhat. I started to go for a priest in Bombay but then I considered what Cosmichail had posted and wondered if getting the Library sooner and a scientist setup wasn't a better idea. I mainly want a Great Prophet for the shrine but we won't have a lot of shrine income yet. A scientist specialist (or two) might help a lot with getting research back on track, plus get us Taosim if we're lucky. So I decided to go that route. I rearranged to get the Library in 10 turns instead of 12. This meant not working a cottage for a few turns until Bombay grows again. It also added 2 turns to Alphabet. This should be rectified sooner though once one or two scientists are setup in Bombay. In Madras, I put two archers in front of the galley. The fog on most of our coastline is busted now so we should only see galleys from the south and possibly from JC's area although it is probably busted up there too.

Turn 1
Our workers in Bombay complete the roads they were building. I decided to have them build more cottages along the western bank of the river. I move the workboat/galley up near Bangalore down to Zhou so that we will have fishing boats on the fish. Our Buddhist missionary successfully spreads the Enlightened One's teachings to the people of Antium. I move our scouting galley up north back to the south so that it can sail around the western coast of JC's land.

Turn 2
JC converts to Buddhism. We have a barb galley on our southwestern coastline now but it seems to be content to stay south, as does the one on the eastern coastline. The barb warrior that started out in the south near our archer chose (wisely) to move on Bombay rather than attack our archer. I missed this development at first but saw it in time to redeploy our CRII axeman to counter the threat. I hope to get him a little closer to that third promotion. He moves towards the deer camp.

Turn 3
The borders of Zhou expand and Socrates is born. Taoism is FIADL. Drat! Well, so much for getting there first. We are really getting far behind. I think our only hope is going to be catching up when others go to war. Unfortunately, we are at the bottom of the food chain right now so JC will probably be looking to gobble us first. Anyway, the workboat in Bangalore completes but I have them wait in Bangalore until the borders are popped and they can work the fish. I debated between a Library and a Courthouse in Bangalore. The Courthouse is needed for maintenance but it also needs some culture for the borders to pop. I decided to go with the Library since Bangalore is trading with the Romans and it might be a while before they get Buddhism. A Courthouse or Lighthouse should probably go there next, with a Courthouse probably having higher priority.

Turn 4
The barb warrior beats our axemen to the deer camp. I miscalculated who would get there first apparently. No problem though. Our axeman has 99.1% odds even attacking across the river and into the forest. I give the go ahead and cross my fingers the RNGod doesn't frown on us badly. Success! We defeat the barb warrior and gain 2XP. Dang, 1 shy of that third promotion. I dial up JC just to see what he has available. He has 2 pigs and 3 spices for trading. Since I'm not sure where he is tech wise, I figured trading him elephants might be suicide so I leave things status quo. An archer completes in Madras. I send him north to defend Bangalore.

Turn 5
I move our victorious axeman back to camp outside Illinois. Our workers continue with building housing along the west bank of the Ulhas River.

Turn 6
Calcutta completes a Library and starts a worker. Since no production had gone into the worker yet, I took him out of the queue in favor of a Lighthouse. I debated here as well since a Courthouse would help maintenance. I figured we need to work commerce squares though if possible so I went with the Lighthouse. A Courthouse would be a priority next.

Turn 7
Our axeman returns to the woods outside Illinois. The CGI archer arrives in Bangalore and I fortify him there.

Turn 8
A second CGI archer is completed in Madras. I send him to garrison Calcutta. The barb galley menacing our southeastern coast decides to get adventurous and sail north towards Zhou. I hope our galley is prepared for battle.

Turn 9
Our galley successfully defends the fishermen and sends the barbs to Davy Jones' Locker.

Turn 10
Our workers have completed the housing and road projects along the west bank of the Ulhas River. They should probably go improve Zhou next. I wasn't really thinking about that when it's borders popped. It hasn't yet grown large enough to make a big difference but it will soon with the fish being worked. Improving the sheep and ivory would give it a boost. Our science SEEMS to be improving. I started with Alphabet in 34 turns and now it is down to 18 turns even though I only took 10 turns. This is probably a combination of more civs having Alphabet and an improvement in our commerce/beakers.

Here's the updated roster:

LuvToBuild -> fourth round completed
pigswill -> UP
Krockel -> on deck
FoolontheHill -> third round completed
omurtag -> third round completed
Got it. Loked at it. Thought about it. Two thoughts: city specialisation and traits.
Specialisation: Delhi is actually our best production city; Bombay will be a good commerce city; Madras (eventually) a reasonable production city; Babgalor and Calcutta minor commerce; Zhou could be either commerce or production, probably commerce.
Traits: too early in game to use spiritual; industrious means cheaper wonders, so may be worth looking at building some just for the money if we don't get them.
I think its worth finishing off Prophet for Shrine, bit of money and helps spread buddhism. I also think its worth going for a GS for academy in Bombay.
We've pretty much survived barbarian rampage, now we need to catch up with the rest of the world.
Third thought; capture Illinois; we'll pay more in city maintenace but pay less in unit maintenance.
I also think we should get GP first for our shrine. We're halfway through to one so why stop now?
We can hire scientist in Bombay when library is done and stil get GP first.

Taking Illinois make sense. Better to pay for cities then troops, cities can be improved along the way.

Zhou should go for commerce at first. It will get decent production later anyway.

Finally I would suggest that Delhi focus on missionary production, so we can get money from shrine quicker.
Occasional clouds
one gets a rest
from moon viewing


Greetings my friends. It seems many years since I last left my studies to assist in the governance of the Jewel of Enlightenment. I noted that the number of priests in Delhi seemed to have declined so I reopened the seminary there.
The barbarians of Illinois were an uncultured threat and quite unamenable to gentle persuasion. I reluctantly instructed our companies of axewarriors to put an end to this menace which they accomplished without unnecessary slaughter and the former barbarians have now joined our civilisation as the city of Goa. In order to feed them I instructed the shipwrights of Delhi to construct fishing vessels, only to learn subsequently that we had a fishing flotilla lying idle in Madras which I ordered south before the Delhi clamboats were completed.
I then sought missionaries among the faithful in Delhi to spread the news of the Noble Eightfold Path. Travellers and kinfolk visting the cities have already established a Buddhist following in both Calcutta and Zhou.
Our archers in the frozen southlands ventured into unexplored territory to discover another outcropping of iron ore amongst the snowfields. There are rich fishing grounds nearby so that it may be that future generations will establish colonies in the icelands.
However it is undeniable that the burden of administration is heavy and I have began to construct sundry courthouses around the Island.
The people of Bombay completed their library and a number of them became full time students to the benefit of our knowledge but the detriment of our commerce and agriculture.
Our sailors have continued to explore the coastal waters of the Roman empire, it begins to appear as if the Romans are an island civilisation much as ourselves. In order to deepen the ties between our cultures I arranged for an exchange of wool and mutton for the exotic spices available to the Romans which appears to have somewhat pleased the people in our island. Somewhat obscurely this led the townsfolk of Bombay to abandon their studies in favour of the rustic life.
Fortunately the barbarian incursions that had previously plagued our cities have greatly diminished. Barbarian galleys sought to destroy the fishing nets at Zhou but our mariners drove them off.
In the main this has been a period of quiet prosperity; mayhap a time of reflection and contemplation. The council of sages continue to study the alphabet and claim to be progressing but it may be a few more years before their work is completed.
Hi Team HN02!

I will go on vacation and need to be skipped until 4/9. It is possible that I’ll be back in action a day or two prior to that, but to be on the safe side I say until 4/9.

GL with the game until I’m back!

Krockel said:
Hi Team HN02!

I will go on vacation and need to be skipped until 4/9. It is possible that I’ll be back in action a day or two prior to that, but to be on the safe side I say until 4/9.

GL with the game until I’m back!


Have a good time! Hope you are off to somewhere fun. [party]

Does this mean that I am UP?
FoolontheHill said:
Have a good time! Hope you are off to somewhere fun. [party]

Does this mean that I am UP?

Yep, go ahead FotH if you haven't already. Sorry for the delayed response, I've been preoccupied lately with my first attempt at a CivIV scenario/mod so I haven't been in here checking on things as much.

Here's the updated roster:

LuvToBuild -> fourth round completed
pigswill -> fourth round completed
Krockel -> skipped this round
FoolontheHill -> UP
omurtag -> on deck
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