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How can i improve my game? (PTW1.27)

Ur Mum

Mar 15, 2003
hello there. i've been playing civ3 for a while now and would like some advice on where to improve my game. some strategy's/tips/etc to improve my skil lvl.

(see attached sav file)
You're a little low on workers, as evidenced by the fact that the war front is completely unroaded. You're using some unimproved tiles, too, though you've managed to make up for it by using coast tiles, which produce adequate food (w/ harbor) and good commerce. An early palace jump might have been profitable, but you placed the forbidden palace well so that's not a big issue. Your forces are arrayed a bit haphazardly; it would be better to form more coherent stacks. One major problem I see is Tamuin. It's a core city but only at pop 3! You should've cut down some of the forests and done some irrigation to let it grow.

Now, a few good things. You've gotten over "mine green, irrigate brown". It took me a while to get over that, but you've done it and I'm sure your city development is the better for it. Like I said earlier, your fp was well placed. You seem well in control.

Lastly, I would recommend that you not play with accelerated production on. It gets you into bad habits. If you can research techs in 4 turns at only 50% science, I'm sure you're competent enough to not use it.
yes i know i a little low on workers, my advance has been going so fast i not been able to catch up. a leader rush build on the FP was a great decision i believe.

about accel'd production, i didn't realise it was on, i had just loaded the industrial sprawl scenerio to see what it was like.

still catching up with improving everything especially down in the old greek/mongol section. not long had the FP so not managed to pump out enough workers yet. i have enough offensive units to drive off everyone from this continent so i will not need to build any more so intead can build more workers.

do you think i ready for the next level?

thanks for the comments.
Ur Mum said:
do you think i ready for the next level?

You seem to be vastly better than your ai opponents. It probably won't be the walkover this one seems to be, but I think you'd do fine. You're probably as good, or better, than I was when I moved up to Regent.
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