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How can i manage more than 15-20 cities?

Make a plan for the city and then use map pins to remind you what your plan is with the city. It could be to designate the districts you're going to build, or you could just use them to write down the build order.
Since the game is turn-based, just take your time. The turns will take longer but it is because you are doing more stuff (generally a good thing).

This does not work well in multiplayer though.
The map pins are an improvement., hopefully they will reintroduce build queues (especially useful ones where you can queue up things you can't build...and it takes the highest thing on the list it Can build)
A "builder lens" would also be useful, showing 'improvable' tiles and resources in your empire.
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Please guide me on how to manamge more than 15-20 cities.

What exactly is it you are having trouble doing? The question is very broad, making it difficult to give you advice that might actually help you.
It's not that hard. Just have a plan for each of them, or each group of them. Make sure to specialize and get the right stuff rolling in the right cities. It will take some time, but you'll probably only be producing 1 or 2 things a turn, if that.
Download a mod that auto-reassigns trade routes (if it exists, that is... in case it does, I, too, would like to be pointed to it ;)).
A governor wouldn't be too bad..if it never built districts (except ones that you placed) or built buildings that excluded others (like Stables/Barracks or either Museum)...it just let you build those and it filled in buildings, repairing pillaged districts/buidings, and building projects. (maybe the occasional builder if the City had unimproved tiles)
Great tip on the map pins! I haven't been using them as much as I should, and when I do, it's more to remind myself of a chokepoint to reinforce or a future city site. I'll start using them on district placement/city planning too.
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