How do home nations work?


me autem minui
Mar 31, 2007
Are they like Age of Empires 3 in that you only get a specific bonus every once in awhile, or are they like Civilization where you have complete control over them?
I suspect they will be like they originally were. You have no control over them, but you can send your ships back to port to get supplies and immigrants from the Old World. That's how you got money -- you sold colonial produce (cigars, tobacco, sugar...) in your home nation.
If I remember what I read, how much the home country helps you is based on your relations with them. If you quietly serve, they'd probably give you better/more free stuff. If you're a rebellious colony, probably not so much.
I have to say that if there is one thing which sounds disappointing about Colonization right now, its the inability to deal with other "Home Nations". Everyone knows that a lot of the success of America's revolution against England was because it was being supported by France and Spain-as an expansion of the European Wars going on at that time (especially the Napoleonic Wars). As such, once a colony breaks away from a home nation, it should be able to trade and conduct diplomacy with any one of the other Home Nations.

I have to say that if there is one thing which sounds disappointing about Colonization right now, its the inability to deal with other "Home Nations". Everyone knows that a lot of the success of America's revolution against England was because it was being supported by France and Spain-as an expansion of the European Wars going on at that time (especially the Napoleonic Wars). As such, once a colony breaks away from a home nation, it should be able to trade and conduct diplomacy with any one of the other Home Nations.


Isn't that the way it was in the original Colonization? After you declare independence, other nations consider joining the war on your behalf. You had to produce so many Liberty Bells in order to get them to join; once they did, an expeditionary force would arrive in the colonies.

Also, if you built a Custom House, you could engage in trade with Europe even after the war started.
Yeah, I was about to mention the Custome House too. However, I don't believe it let you buy things, just sell them. I don't recall getting far enough in the game to build one before a couple years ago when I started playing FreeCol. (I've slept since then, so maybe that's why I don't remember doing it.)
Yeah, I was about to mention the Custome House too. However, I don't believe it let you buy things, just sell them. I don't recall getting far enough in the game to build one before a couple years ago when I started playing FreeCol. (I've slept since then, so maybe that's why I don't remember doing it.)

You can only sell with custom houses, but I loved them in colonization. They can take away lots of micromangement and they are also very usefull to sell stuff from inland colonies.
Or maybe just getting the other countries to recognize your independence, even if they don't help you militarily.
I think the danger with the natives is asking for too much. If you continally haggle they tended to tell you to go away and got annoyed with you if i remember rightly. Be interesting to see how the game has changed in terms of friendlyness of indian tribes.

I am not sure why the Americans would be sending trade ships back to Europe. You would think most would be destroyed by the home country European fleets. One of the reviews has already suggested it would take 3 Americas ships to take out a home county vessel. I do remember cannons in ciy ports sinking or helping to sink enemy vessels. Been a while . ;)
I am not sure why the Americans would be sending trade ships back to Europe. You would think most would be destroyed by the home country European fleets. One of the reviews has already suggested it would take 3 Americas ships to take out a home county vessel. I do remember cannons in ciy ports sinking or helping to sink enemy vessels. Been a while . ;)

A player was not at war with any European nation initially and as best I remember only went to war with his mother country when he declared his independence. By that time he probably was able to build custom houses and didn't need to sail to Europe to sell his goods.

Also, once Benjamin Franklin was elected to the Continental Congress the player was not drawn into a war his king had declared on another foreign country. And if a player wanted to end a war with another player, all he had to do was use a scout to talk to the mayor in an enemy town to make peace.
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