How hard to modify 3 sets of religions/corporations


Red, White, & Blue, baby!
Dec 17, 2004
De facto, BTS has 2 sets of religions/corps. How hard would it be to add one more set, for the purpose of representing bloodlines to indicate royal marriages (e.g. Chinese Warlords! scenario)? A simple fix would be to make marriages = corporations, but what about having all 3 categories?

Would this need SDK changes, or is the Python flexible enough? Or is such a thing already easy via a religions mod?
Exactly (religion, blood-line, and corporation). And would occupy a third separate row when displayed.
This was something I was looking at doing with Ideology GoodGame-so I appreciate the difficulty of what you're trying to do. I would suggest that, with the addition of Corporations, it should now be easier to see which shared elements between them and religion are within the SDK (when I started my project, I only had religions to work off). As for doing it with Python alone, I doubt that would be possible, as you'd need all the underlying SDK and XML architecture to support it.

Thanks for the info Aussie_Lurker. I was kind of hoping someone modded some tags for a religion mod and piped up. The way I'm envisioning the blood lines is they'd work very similar to religions, very similar to the Warlords! Chinese scenario, but maybe with some contextual quests.
Why not just use corporations and religions to represent your bloodlines? You could modify the characteristics of the individual corporations and religions so they would hardly be recognizable as such. Of course there wouldn't be a separate screen, but you could change the title text on one of the screens and call it, "Houses of Power" so you could consolidate corporations and royal families for example. And just make sure the order of them is such that they will show at opposite sides of the lineup and give them completely different kinds of icons, maybe shields for the coats of arms of royal factions and logos for corporations. And for quests of course just associate some random events with the buildings you can get with the factions or something.
I prefer to not overlap bloodlines with corporations because I want both to be able to coincide for the 'what if' element, although civics and progress will probably eliminate the importance of bloodlines (I think 'Genetics' would erase the importance of bloodlines, and anything other than Feudalism/Hereditary rule will diminish their importance).

Also I want blood lines to have diplo effects and trigger contextual quests that wouldn't be thematically appropriate for corporations (though the second part might be solved via specious xml editing, I'd prefer a nice top-down approach).

I haven't got my hands coding--still working on the game idea. Just was wondering if there was already a nice mod that would facillitate the coding, and if the python/xml had tags to make it easy without learning the sdk/C++.
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