• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

How Many People Have Stopped Playing?

i've stopped playing for the moment...

but i will play again once i get off of work and get home...

I am going to mod some small things that personally annoy me, then play it more (like Stonehenge being outdated and making all the obelisks go away - may not be an error but it’s as annoying as hell). Other then that I’m still happy.
Dominico said:
Nothing wrong with my game either. No bugs either.

What bugs are you all complaining about, or is it a compatability issue?

Runs fine on my self built 1.4 athlon Thunderbird. But i have a new graphics card. I think you need a newish gen graphics card to run the game.

Otherwise you could try turning the detail down a bit, thats what the options are there for. Set it to one man per unit if your computer cant cope. Good luck though!

We are not complaining dumba$$ the question was who is not playing right now...
I can't stop playing. It's far too addicting.

I too count the days until Civilization 4's first patch comes out though. I look forward to playing without having to reveal the map all the time; just because I suffer from the Black Terrain bug. =)
I've played about 10 games in Civ4 so far, and I'm enjoying it tremendously. I wouldn't say it's necessarily better than Civ3, but it's fun all the same. I've enjoyed learning a new way to play Civilization. I am however, anxious to see a patch, there are some glitches I've seen (aside from a false alarm with initial placement of a galley :blush: ).
I haven't really started to play. My old laptops won't do and I'm waiting for a new one to come in 2 weeks which SHOULD have the power to play it.

But don't put too much expectation on patches. Patches don't change the fundamentals. You've got mostly what you'll get in the end, so enjoy it now.
When I hit the modern age, it comes unplayable for me. Im still not sure if i like the game. At the minute i prefer civ 3. With Civ 3 i understood everything
I am mostly just sitting back waiting for the patch to fix my graphics. I have played alot of games since I got it. But I have to work real hard to determine different types of terrain and resources are hard to spot without the flags on.

It has some pretty cool new features. Just too much work for a game ATM.
I'm taking a little break. Not because of performance. Not because of bugs. I haven't had problems with either of those. I'm just taking a break so I don't overplay it. I like the game. I've just spent too much time playing it and need to rest for a while.
I've stopped playing until the patch most likely, though I will fire it up to test the new terrain that is being released Friday.

The reason? I play domination/conquest, and the border system creates a gameplay that I don't find to be agreeable. If the culture borders were "fixed" for a reasonable system for warfare and side changing, I'd play more and fight through the other issues (bugs, crash to BIOS).

Instead, I'm playing Rome:TWBI... and SW:BF2. Strangely, neither has crashed me to BIOS...

When Civ3 came out, I didn't sleep for weeks. I just can't get into Civ4 like I have with past releases. I enjoy the game, and have no performance issues on my laptop, but after an hour or two, I'm ready to move on. I couldn't tell you why, but Civ4 just doesn't have the 'one more turn' appeal.
I am addicted after countless games. Only played one game to the modern age though and the slow down was huge but much better than CIV3 which really got unplayable on bigger maps. I have to say I have a good machine with 2GB of memory.

I like CIV4 way more than CIV3, civ3 had a lot of problems and it was to easy to exploit the system.

Hopefully the patch will be out by this weekend as I am taking 3 days of next week to just play civ.
vyapti said:
When Civ3 came out, I didn't sleep for weeks. I just can't get into Civ4 like I have with past releases. I enjoy the game, and have no performance issues on my laptop, but after an hour or two, I'm ready to move on. I couldn't tell you why, but Civ4 just doesn't have the 'one more turn' appeal.

I have the same feeling. I was very addicted to CIV3 for a couple of years. Now I've played a little CIV4 (not finished a game), and have to wait, but I don't feel that way about CIV4 anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old.
i bought it on thurs and stil havent played

Im still reading the book :)
vyapti said:
When Civ3 came out, I didn't sleep for weeks. I just can't get into Civ4 like I have with past releases. I enjoy the game, and have no performance issues on my laptop, but after an hour or two, I'm ready to move on. I couldn't tell you why, but Civ4 just doesn't have the 'one more turn' appeal.
I felt the same way at first. I wasn't especially pleased or displeased with the game. It seemed okay...but I had a notion to go back to playing Call of Duty as soon as I'd notched at least one victory in single-player.

But then, about midway through my second full game, OMT Syndrome kicked in big time.

I'm not guaranteeing--or worse, insisting--that you and microbe will feel the same way. But I would recommend giving this very different and complex version of Civilization a little more time to sink in before you put it on the back shelf entirely.

-- Kevin​
Played for about 10 hours over the coarse of the first week or two - got tired of fighting through CTD's and BSOD's. What I had played was fun...but nothing compare to the way Civ 3 or Civ 2 were...and no omt syndrome at all. When it crashed, I usually quit for the day.

Hopefully the patch will allow me to play and make a good judgement on the game itself...but I agree 100% with agoodfella's assessment in the OP - the game play is not so spectacular to make me want to deal with the constant technical issues.

In contrast, my first love in pc games was wayyyy back in the early 90's ... Harpoon... talk about a bug ridden product; but I stuck that one out through crash and technical issue and hardware fix and driver issues and blahblahblah and bad AI for several years...in fact, for most of the decade. Civ 4 is just not in that category for me.

Maybe it just doesn't like my radeon X700 or something, but it takes FOREVER, and its a slideshow to scroll around in modern age when i have more than ten cities. Oh, I got Battlefront 2, FEAR, and Age of empires 3, and they ALL run better than Civ4. and they all have much more demanding graphics.
I Just dont have the time to play right now, darn school!!!! and homework!! im hoping ill be able to play around christmas time
My game has worked without maj0r g11tch3s from Day 1.

I'd be playing now if I weren't at work. ;)
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