How the Demographics works

Bamspeedy, I've seen life expectancy above 120. I think its because I had one city, and all it contained was cure for cancer and longevity.
How do you check the demo screen midgame?
F11. :)
Is there anything to stop you from jacking Luxeries up to 100% before launching the spaceship? Call it a "national year of celebration".
No, but it won't get you much in the way of points.

Each turn your points are added to your total for the whole game, then divided by the number of turns.

Of course, your people will be happy and will celebrate if you set lux to 100%, so I say let them party! :cool:
Friends, Ottomans, countrymen, our spaceship is about to launch . . . let's party like it's 1499!

Oh well it'll at least help the ending demographics.
The demographic screen also includes a ranking of the worlds top cities...does anyone how they are exactly choosen? My theorie is it has to do with wonders and with population.The impact of wonders seems to be greater, but it is just there number or there culture...?
It's primarily culture. If two cities have the same culture, then it is population. I don't know if there's any lower factors, but i'll just take a guess and they there aren't :)
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