How to call a custom popup?

Have you followed Dale Kent's method from his WePlayCiv blog entry?

Yup I found it after posting this thread :blush:, you are talking about this right?

I added <LuaContext Filename="MyPopup"......> to dilpocorner.xml and it is working now.

I have a question: what is the proper way to close a popup do I use SetHide or DeQueue ? and what is the difference?
Well, there are two direct ways already "built-in" the Button(s) processing routine.

1) As found mainly at the Diplo-Corner for example, a re_click toggle on the button -while its child popup is open- automatically closes the component & vice-versa.

2) The usual default good'ol "Close_or_Back_Button" designed by you straight into the resulting popups.

I guess there's no need to complexify the functions (with indirect or otherwise SetHide or DeQueue calls, etc) since both the above principles can be used for similar (or more obvious!) effects.
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