A 3rd strategy is full out defense. If they do the 70-30 stack (30% being catapults), you could potentially defend their attack with enough numbers (usually about 20-30% more than them) and a high enough fortify bonus. If they do 50-50 you are screwed probably. Almost always you will need most of your units being fortified for 5 turns (+25%), and also be on a hill for another +25%, so you can use archers who are 6+ strength undamaged. They will make sure you don't get overwhelmed... they are strong defenders, they are cheap(greater numbers means less susceptible to catapults), they will at least damage say elephants, so in the 2nd assault, your healed and promoted units can defend the followup attack. The first strikes also help in making sure the enemy stack isn't too healthy for the next attack. There is almost always a followup attack, assuming you had enough units/production to have a chance of defending in the first place.
Of course with this 3rd strategy you have no ability to attack their stack. So they can postpone the attack and bring in more catapults. But if they do decide to attack, you will probably survive and inflict near equal casualties... or perhaps you'll get assistance from someone else, or get a tech to upgrade to muskets, whatever.
In this case you will want 3-6 catapults (assuming your stack is 25+) just to absorb collateral damage, not to attack with... unless perhaps they underestimated your defense strength, and you can counter attack and mop up some units.