if not micromanagement total war style, then this. i like your idea.Each tile on the map has a military "influence score" for every faction
This score is increased by having military units nearby. Different units have different "ranges" (Lighter units generally influence more tiles but less effectively).
You always know your own score, but your knowledge of other factions is based on espionage.
When war is declared, the aggressor will tell their commanders what tiles to try to take, what units to use to take them and where their supply line is.
The defender will tell their commanders what tiles to defend, what units to use and where their supply line is.
The war is "played out" by the computer. Tiles swap ownership depending on whose military controls where.
The war is over when both sides agree on their new borders.
i would add that units should be able to be made and move at a rate consistent with the rise of the largest empire of the ancient West: ancient Rome. as of now you cannot replicate Rome's conquests in any form of Civ.