Humankind Game by Amplitude

Haha anyone over in the fancy VIP lounge taking about how the military game stops at classical ;)
Haha anyone over in the fancy VIP lounge taking about how the military game stops at classical ;)

Military and late game balance are issues that continue to provoke discussions . . .
This, and also I can't get over the promise if devs to provide day 1 modding support (iirc?) and still no steam workshop to this day. The opportunity loss is massive, a lot of content, fixes or alternate balance systems could be created in this time.
It could also help the game retain more players and even improve review scores.
This, and also I can't get over the promise if devs to provide day 1 modding support (iirc?) and still no steam workshop to this day. The opportunity loss is massive, a lot of content, fixes or alternate balance systems could be created in this time.
It could also help the game retain more players and even improve review scores.

Yeah, I personally just got really busy as far as playing, but was getting a bit stale with the balance issues.

That said, I’ll be glad that the modding tools are at least not rushed out, provided we get a well put together set of them when they are. I’ll probably move over to Old World until then.
is it really just balance? i mean, every run i made on 253 ended in infinite pending turn or locked in a diplomatic screen... not to mention any mp sessions since day 1

underdelivered promises are ok. buggy software can be tolerated. plain neglect for the customer can not
Feel for you there! I had a game hang on end turn in beta and it was such a letdown. Since release I haven’t had that, a few crashes but always worked on load, but clearly some bugs then.

Maybe “balance” isn’t the right word either. I’ll be excited to play again when the AI keeps playing aggressively past Classical.
Haha anyone over in the fancy VIP lounge taking about how the military game stops at classical ;)
I think it depends on the game (my most recent I was nearly constantly at war in a power struggle with 2 empires to dominate the continent) but I do agree especially by late game that the AI no longer attempts to challenge another player’s supremacy very well, especially humans
This, and also I can't get over the promise if devs to provide day 1 modding support (iirc?) and still no steam workshop to this day. The opportunity loss is massive, a lot of content, fixes or alternate balance systems could be created in this time.
It could also help the game retain more players and even improve review scores.
Maybe there will be a steam workshop later, but I doubt it, the game being multiplatform and already being used with an ingame mod browser being worked on.

It seems there will be 2 kinds of mods for HK, the classical mods (new maps, cultures, assets, AI behavior, and changes in exposed variables in XML) with an official support, and the unofficial DLL mods (preferably those using BepInEX as they don't change the game's files)

The "official mods" are only maps ATM, and those still have to be downloaded manually (but in-game browser and installation with subscription was half-working in one of the beta) until the tools are released. The delay has been announced and justified by the work they want to do on bugfixing/balance (but I do agree with your point about the state of the game being in fact a reason to not delaying them)

The later are already possible, they have to be manually installed - there is already a mod manager by (AOM) - but they allow almost* any change, including gameplay/balance changes.

(AOM) made a few (nice) QOL and gameplay mods that you'll found here

There is also the GameCustomizer Tool by Touhma allowing to change the pace of the game here

* I mean if you want to make a new version of Doom or a Flight Sim starting from HK source, you better start from scratch...
Not to let too many felines out of the container, but there is more Mod support coming Very Soon, along with some other fixes to frequently-discussed game problems. It won't be enough, I'm sure, to please everyone (when is it ever?), but steps in the right direction from what I've seen of them so far . . .
Are there any good beginner’s guides for Humankind out there?

I’m about 2 hours into my first game and I’m a little lost at what I should be doing. This happens always with 4X games but I’m feeling it a little more than usual.

I’ve met my first rival Civ and am trying to expand to more outposts, and there are a couple independent Civs that have popped up too, but I’m not totally sure what I should be aiming for. Still in the ancient era though.

What’s a good general trajectory for the later early game?

PS: Graphics look incredible!
there is a collection of tips over at the strategy subforum although they can be somewhat obsolete depending on the build you're playing

-get a second city asap: either but founding it yourself, taking it from the greys or using tricks like the liberate outpost
-don't overbuild quarters, don't neglect infrastructure
-explore, hunt and ransack
-attach 1 territory to your initial cities, build EQs and potteries to get enough INF to keep expanding. choose civics woth the same objective
-claim lands with natural wonders and powerful luxuries such as silk, dyes, marble, papyrus, lead
-build wonders and holy sites once you can get them done in 3-4 turns at most combining your cities or when your closing in on revolts
there is a collection of tips over at the strategy subforum although they can be somewhat obsolete depending on the build you're playing

-get a second city asap: either but founding it yourself, taking it from the greys or using tricks like the liberate outpost
-don't overbuild quarters, don't neglect infrastructure
-explore, hunt and ransack
-attach 1 territory to your initial cities, build EQs and potteries to get enough INF to keep expanding. choose civics woth the same objective
-claim lands with natural wonders and powerful luxuries such as silk, dyes, marble, papyrus, lead
-build wonders and holy sites once you can get them done in 3-4 turns at most combining your cities or when your closing in on revolts

I might try following some of this advice myself, but it seems a little high level for just learning the game.

I personally found that a attaching two territories to the first city was an easier start to learn from, since you get more food and production and have an easier time creating districts and units. Also if you capture grey cities you will quickly fill your city cap without founding any of your own.

Build as many makers quarters as your stability allows, while keeping your food positive. Most EQ are worth building early but be aware that building a few makers quarters before a non-production EQ is often better. Luxuries (built and bought), religious sites and canals are good sources of stability’s but I usually wait until production is high and stability is low to buy them.

Build up 4-8 units and allow greys to found cities, and focus your aggression on them. As you develop, I recommend focusing on conquering an AI, but it may take a few eras to get the pieces together at the right time. They also may just declare on you. The key is to win the war in defense or in battles in the field. A mix of archer and melee holed up behind cliffs can even the odds very quickly, and my early games were largely about forcing a superior force to surrender by winning these defensive battles. Especially as the AI gets advanced units pretty quickly, this can help win wars and earn a few territories and gold at the era transitions.

Conquering cities is a bit tricky at first while they still have a standing army. AFAIK siege weapons don’t really work right now, since AI will sortie as soon as you attack the city, preventing you from building them. So just fight the armies in the field.

When you do start to fall behind on tech (eg struggling to get to EU unlocking techs) begin investing heavily in science. You can take a science culture and/or build a ton of research quarters. The key is to build a bunch of them in one place, since they give each other a strong adjacency bonus. Also don’t neglect to slot pops as researchers. The +6 science each is actually quite a bit and enough to get through ancient and early classical techs reasonably quickly.
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