I need of a good mapmaker


Philosophy of Poverty
May 20, 2006
I am in need of a good map maker that would be able to create a map of the Sahara Desert I want it for my Sahara mod it's size should be around 165 wide by 135 tall it would be very helpful if someone where to make it for me(the reson i can't make it is because I am incapabal of it) :D. Any questions or commets (that have to do with this map that is) and if this is unresonable please tell me and who I could fix it.
I think that Google Earth be able to give the map I want.Do have suggestions because other than that I don't know of a alternate atlas or basis for the map??? The Saharan trade caravan trade routes possably???
So go ahead and take a pic from GoogleEarth and post it so we can know what area exactly should be covered. On 165x135 how much detail do you need? Pre placed cities? Just some information, these trade routes would be a good start.
I think that there sohlud be some deital i think that you manliy need to put down the roads (the caravan trade routes) and for cities you could have some (3) citeis owned by the Mailian empire (oh yah colu d you make two of these maps one with the african civs and one that has no civs on it) the roads could stop at the capital of Mail Timbuktu. other than that that is pritty much it.


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