If there is ever a new Civ IV expansion, what new leader traits do you want to see?


Dec 26, 2006
For me, I would like to see Maritime and Nomads. In the game, Ragnar, Joao II and Willem van Oranje (and a few others) are leaders of civilizations that have historical maritime traditions, but they themselves have generic traits. The Civ4 navy is underwhelming. In Civ6, naval units can capture coastal cities. If Civ4 navy can capture cities (ie defeat all land units and occupy the enemy city), navy becomes more more dangerous. Getting access to oil becomes very important. AI naval invasion could become more deadly.

  • Economic benefits: +1 Trade route in coastal cities, fishing boats+1 hammer, whaling boats+1 food, half maintenance for oversea colonies (Colonial expenses)
  • Military benefits: Naval units gets free Combat 1
  • Economic benefits: +1 food, +1 hammer, +1 commerce for pastures and camps improvements
  • Military benefits: Mounted units get free Combat 1, has a small chance to convert enemy units if you defeat them
One big criticism is that these two traits are map dependent. Maritime is highly advantageous in Archipelago or island maps and Nomads are great if you get lucky with pasture and camp resources. In Civ6, they solve the problem with starting land bias.
I can't imagine another official cIV expansion but there's always modding.

Maritime brings to mind the Civ III "Seafaring" trait. It's kind of strange though that it doesn't give building discounts for lighthouses or harbors. Inventing new traits is hard because all the good buildings are already assigned to traits.

Nomads is OP. 5 food / 3 hammer / 1 coin grass cow? 2 food / 2 hammer / 6 coin tundra forest fur? Sign me up for that. "Conversion" (aka enslavement) is another Civ III mechanic (Man-o-War, Chasqi Scout, and whatever the Mayan archer was called).

I agree that a trait that buffs mounted would be nice:

  • 100% production on Stable, Observatory*, Airport.
  • Mounted units start with Flanking 1 and can gain City Raider promotions.
  • Air units start with Combat 1.
Imagine a Strategic and Imperialistic Genghis Khan with half-priced Gers pumping out CR2 F1 keshiks.

[*] not really thematic but Stable and Airport only is too weak.
There are some mods out there, essentially expansions in themselves, that possess some similar traits like Maritime.
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