If you could make a timeline of "most powerful european country/ies"

Can we just call 'it' two totally separate things for convenience sake, otherwise I'm going to have to write a couple of lines instead of one word. Like I don't know, AC & UC, they're short and concise and won't have you confused as an idiot.

"the caliphate" is an easy, short name. You insisted on that I should mention both dinasties, which makes no sense, complicates matters without any reason.
I may agree on calling the caliphate "The caliphates of Abbasids and Umayyads", as long as you call VII-X century Byzantium "Byzantium of the Heracleans, Izaurians, Amorians, Macedonians with intervals of non-dinastic rulers" or whatever.
Not to mention that you forgot that before Umayyads, there were the rightly guided caliphs and they were responsible for the conquest of Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine - not Umayyads.
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