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I'm an oppressed white middle-class male.


hates you.
Apr 20, 2002
Waterloo, ON
Well, its scholarship season again.

And for about the 4th straight year, I am elligible for virtually no scholarships despite consistently strong academic averages.

Why? Because I am not an aboriginal, black, wheel-chair bound single mother on government subsidies with one arm, one leg, one eye, and only half a functioning cerebrum.

Ridiculous. Another instance of PC AA crap further diminishing the relevence of the Canadian post-secondary education system. When I'm rich and powerful, I will offer a scholarship only for white middleclass males.
Blame it on the liberals ;).
newfangle said:
When I'm rich and powerful, I will offer a scholarship only for white middleclass males.

Racist! Don't you know that all white males are rich and can afford their won schooling at Yale and Harvard? ;)
Obviously you are not looking hard enough, or your school's guidance department doesn't keep you up to date on scholarship info, or you have good marks but no extra curicular.

My school's guidance departement give updates every week on scholarships, and only about 10% have fit into the Affirmative Action category.

Try out the Canadian History one.
Affirmative Action does seem to be the one issue on which the majority of CFC takes the more conservative stance.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that CFC is mostly white middle class males...
Affirmative Action is racism. Prejudiced against whites and men, patronizing and condescending toward non-whites and women.
If there is a problem with unequal primary and secondary education (which is debatable), that problem must be solved, not unfairly "compensated" for by unequal and ludicrously offensive admission and hiring practices.
It might always annoy someone to learn that a friend of my got a stipendium that's only available to boys.

The money comes from a fund the widow of a rich farmer set up in her will sometime in the late 19th C, with the stipulation that every year a stipendium be paid from it to a boy from her village going to a technical gymnasium (~ highschool that focuses on natural science and technology). Girls seeking such education pretty much simply didn't happen in those days.
you could cheat on your taxes so your,or your parents wealth appears less than it truly is...just a little,wicked thought... [pimp]
Well, I was rejected from UConn because I did not have any Spanish nor French Classes in High School and also given the fact that I am not a jock :shakehead. But thats a different story.

Personaly, I beleve that Jocks gets the most out of the schollarships, eventhough they are just going there just to play sports and hogging the student slot for a acedemicly sucsessful persion.
Well buy a sharp pen and chain saw and
sort out those surplus eyes and limbs.

And put it about that you are an ex lesbian
having had a transgender operation too.

And how much does black paint cost?
CivGeneral said:
Well, I was rejected from UConn because I did not have any Spanish nor French Classes in High School and also given the fact that I am not a jock :shakehead. But thats a different story.

Personaly, I beleve that Jocks gets the most out of the schollarships, eventhough they are just going there just to play sports and hogging the student slot for a acedemicly sucsessful persion.
They might as well make UConn a basketball only school. No point in teaching people.
@CG - Succesfully atheletes who maintain "ok" marks show that they are capable of acheiving Atheletic excellence which takes an enormous amount of work, but still capable of acheiving mediocre marks. It may seem like they are just jocks, but really, it takes an extreme dedication to get to the point where they are now.
CivGeneral said:
Well, I was rejected from UConn because I did not have any Spanish nor French Classes in High School and also given the fact that I am not a jock :shakehead. But thats a different story.

Personaly, I beleve that Jocks gets the most out of the schollarships, eventhough they are just going there just to play sports and hogging the student slot for a acedemicly sucsessful persion.

Nice try but that sort of thing is iliegal in Canada.

Whell where I loive you can get a 2K socloarship if you get 85%. Asl for AA all I can say is I have no problem with helping somone if thiers a reason for it but half of the AA stuff does seem silly.
Even I, an ultra-liberal see Affermative Action sceptically. I believe it should be used only in education.
Eh, at least they're not doing it to your face.

I have a white male friend here in our Math Graduate school department. It is heavily favored for black minorities.

Hes under a white tenured professor, that in the past has told him he wasnt eligable for scholarships because they were only for minorities, to later be told by the scholarship people (after investigating) and other professors in the department that this wasnt true.

This same professor again, perhaps out of spite for him, administered his final tests to graduate. Interestingly, he failed, but he made the same score as two black graduate students that were passed by the professor.

The Math Grad department also takes a trip to China every year with several of the graduate students selected to come. Looking at the picture they always take, you would think we were Tougaloo College (predominantly black college), as theres a dozen blacks, a lone asian, and no whites to be found. This, the showing of a school that is openly criticized by black activists as being "too white" and not "diverse" enough.

Oh, and perhaps you may have heard of the ATO fraternity house burning down on National News a few months ago with three dead, yet, the need of the reporters to announce that a few years ago they were kicked off when two pledges came to their party with blackface on, I can only assume to pander to that looky whos got whats coming to them (despite the zero tollerance policy enacted on them)... yet nary an apology or retraction for the racist grafiti blamed on whites, and demonized by Chancellor and rant filled professors, also broadcast on national news, that was later admitted to and practically ignored when two black students came forward at the end of the semester claiming responsibility.

Yeah, I'm sick of this type of [explitive], if you can tell.
BloodyPepperoni said:
I've never heard of scholarships exclusive to minorities in Canada :hmm:

Then your guidance department is as bad as newfangle's.
SeleucusNicator said:
Affirmative Action does seem to be the one issue on which the majority of CFC takes the more conservative stance.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that CFC is mostly white middle class males...

I think it's because the issue is obvious. AA is clearly wrong, specially when based on a meaningless and artificial concept such as race. The vast majority of people are smart enough to realise this.
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