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[GS] I'm not playing another Diplomatic Victory into some serious changes are made

It's finally over. Turns out the AI stop seeing you as winning once you get less than 7 points (It's 7 that mark you as winning. I been saying 8 but it's wrong). I had 6 so that mean that I generated 26.000+ favors for nothing. They still sitting there, looking pretty. I also conquered two Civs for nothing, an unjustified genocide that will forever haunt my soul:


Climate changes accords and an Aid Request closed the deal. I got another Aid request btw. I'm not sure if it was a bug that prevented me from getting this early or if it's working as intended. Either way, I really don't like how unreliable it's, there's no way to know if an Aid request will happen or when it will happen. You rely on luck, I don't play Civ VI to depend this heavily on RNG, I already have Xcom for that.

I really don't like how the whole victory is about that AI push against you. Getting favors doesn't even matter, as you can clearly see in my game, it was all for nothing. It's all about getting the right points at the right time, to play around the AI downvoting you like the congress is some toxic subreddit. If you lose a vote, you need to keep losing into you're back at 6 points, then hope you get your last two points from other sources. They really need to redesign this whole thing, it isn't fun or interesting.

Bonus screenshot, my trophy screenshot taken on the turn I won, which I always do because I'm probably a psychopath that feel the need to keep trophies of my victims, in this case the AI:

Getting favors doesn't even matter

I wouldn't say that, I just brute forced it from 9 votes to 11 in my Sweden game. I never could get the timing to work out (my aid project put me to 9 I believe). Eventually I got enough favor to overrule 9 opponents (actually 8 since Hojo always voted for himself).
I wouldn't say that, I just brute forced it from 9 votes to 11 in my Sweden game. I never could get the timing to work out (my aid project put me to 9 I believe). Eventually I got enough favor to overrule 9 opponents (actually 8 since Hojo always voted for himself).

I would say it matter as a contingency plan, it doesn't hurt to have a pile of favors but if things go smooth you won't need it.
I just finished my first GS game, Canada immortal Huge, diplo victory... About the same number of turns as @leandrombraz...

What I did in the end, after being taken down from 8 DVP to 6 by 2 consecutive world congress, was to take both seastead tech and global warming mitigation civic to within 1 turn of being finished,
then switched to other tech and civics to stay jammed at 6 until winning the world congress +2 DVP with my stash of favor... then, I switched back to researching seastead and global warming mitigation
and Voila, 1 turn win ;-)

Honestly, though, diplo victory is not as fun as I hoped it would be... too long, and the AI gangs up on you to stop you from getting there, forcing you tu use gamey tactics...

Anyways...it's done now. Don'T think I'll play another Canada game either ;-) And I think I'll forgo HUGE maps too... At least not Pangea anyways...
Someone just said something on Reddit I didn't think to do: use spies to breach dams, hoping that a flood will happen before the AI fix it, increasing the chances to get an aid request. Something for the brave souls still going for diplomatic to try.

man that's devious... love it ;-)

Why can I never cook up these great plans... I saw that spy option and figured that it was next to useless...

I didn’t express myself well. I mean there are two decisions - the A/B decision, and then specific target. Yes, having both determined by the first vote - at least as currently implemented - is rubbish. I don’t think having two rounds of actual voting is a good idea though - it would be very tedious having to go through two rounds of voting every 30 turns.

I think it would make voting at least somewhat more interesting, you'd likely be more invested. From my impressions of the discussions, the tedious comes from having to wait between sessions to be able to vote again for diplomatic victory. But I think that would be solved more in having other avenues of acquiring DV points beyond voting and emergencies (for the majority of them). The only real problem with a duo-vote system would be in having the AI not squander all their votes on just choosing on A or B to vote for.

Perhaps another way to go about it would be to divorce the diplomatic victory vote from the general congress session, so that it's 15 years to the regular proposal voting, then 15 years for the DV vote, then 15 years later it's back to proposals. As it is, if I'm going to try for a DV, then I'm barely even going to look and vote on the other proposals; if I'm not going for DV, then I don't bother with that vote.
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