I'm surprised they haven't added ranged bombardment yet!

remember- for ranged bombardment- this is not considering catapults and trebs.. only arty with high explosive rounds.

consider history/ as soon as artillery became prevalent on the battlefield- the human race- came up with other weapons to counter it- (tank) better aircraft} for ground strikes. Even setting up defensive artillery. (How about having that for a city build)
its not an actual unit but something the city can do for defense-arty strikes.
I know that adding this seems complicated but- it would make for a more realistic approach and for strategy guru's I believe would make the game alot more fun.

While we don't agree on how combat should work in the main game, that doesn't mean that we have to play the game in the same way. There are mods out there that change combat and add ranged bombardment. Reading your posts, it seems to me that you (and various other posters) aren't aware of the excellent work by a talented modder who goes by the name of Dale. He was also the one who created the WWII mod in BTS which also has ranged bombardment as one of the various combat features.

I think you can find his latest work here, but I must admit that I didn't do a rigorous search for the latest version (version aug 10 2007 for BTS 3.02). He already created such a mod for Warlords a while back.
i much prefer the ranged units to having no defense and be able to capture them. its also much more useful with ranged bombardment to have a ranged unit in your city to counter attack naval attacks

I LOVED the ability to harass enemy ships near my shores with arty. have a key channel? Place some arty there any you can help deny the space to enemy ships. You couldn't kill them, and they could bombard back, so it wasn't completely riskless.

What about simply limiting the number of cannon/artillery units that can occupy a square? This would limit the number of guns one could bear on any one stack...
While we don't agree on how combat should work in the main game, that doesn't mean that we have to play the game in the same way. There are mods out there that change combat and add ranged bombardment. Reading your posts, it seems to me that you (and various other posters) aren't aware of the excellent work by a talented modder who goes by the name of Dale. He was also the one who created the WWII mod in BTS which also has ranged bombardment as one of the various combat features.

Yes- I am very familiar with Dales ranged bombardment mod's.
used in the Sevo mod and attempted in the first total realism..
after the bugs were sorted- it does add alot to the game for me and many others-
I can't wait for the first bts mod that incorporates this.
Yes- I am very familiar with Dales ranged bombardment mod's.
used in the Sevo mod and attempted in the first total realism..
after the bugs were sorted- it does add alot to the game for me and many others-
I can't wait for the first bts mod that incorporates this.

If you like it so much, then why don't you use his mod then? It's for BTS 3.02 so not the latest version 3.13, but still 3.02 wasn't that bugged with Solvers unofficial patch.
If you like it so much, then why don't you use his mod then? It's for BTS 3.02 so not the latest version 3.13, but still 3.02 wasn't that bugged with Solvers unofficial patch.

Thats just the thing- I purchased bts and installed the latest patch- 3.13-
SO I am calmly waiting a bts mod that includes dales ranged-
but dales ranged is only part of the whole that I enjoy.

something like the sevo mod or total realism- as they are my favorites for the vanilla civ 4
So instead of attacking his original 5 units with my 10- now I am at a disadvantage.
I really dislike having to run around with 20 unit stacks.

A good compromise would be to have it so that if you had ranged weapons in your city and you were attacked with arty- then your ranged weapons would get a defensive fire on the stack that fired upon you. Perhaps even making one of the exp upgrades a 'dig in' upgrade so if you have one of those units in your stack the entire stack is protected 80% or so against bombardment.

This would bring more strategy to the game imo.

Thats not a bad idea as this reflects war well. In modern war the two most important offensive weapons on land are the tanks and the howitzers. Howitzers should be able to bombard with range but they should be vulnerable to certain types of units and counter battery fire. There should be stack on stack battles (with no size limit in stacks) but there should also be supply lines so the larger the army the harder it is to feed. If you don't have any art for counter battery fire, armor to shield your forces from a blitzkrieg attack, or infantry to support supply lines and overall functionality then you should get your balls waxed for being stupid.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, widely considered 'Civilization 2.5' because it's the game Sid Meier's made after he founded Firaxis and as such had no access to the Civilization Franchise (I don't know how he got it back, but I think at the time Microsoft owned the rights to it or something)

I think it's the first game Firaxis ever put out as well.

It also happens to tie half life 2 for highest rated game ever. With good reason. I think a lot of the game mechanics that were allowed by the opened ended nature of sci fi really made for some of the best turn based play ever. Certainly the best ever when it came out.
More than that, the game had a lot of flavor. Brian Reynolds was the mastermind behind that game, IIRC. I never tried his next game, Rise of Nations, anyone know if it was any good?
Thats just the thing- I purchased bts and installed the latest patch- 3.13-
SO I am calmly waiting a bts mod that includes dales ranged-
but dales ranged is only part of the whole that I enjoy.

something like the sevo mod or total realism- as they are my favorites for the vanilla civ 4

Yes, I can imagine that you're waiting for some of the more grand scale mods that add lots to the game. I also enjoy some of the mods that add lots of units and features to the game. It might take a while tough before such large mods are finished for BTS.
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