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Import/Export (Stats)

No you wouldn't want to forfeit all the commerce you get from foreign trade routes just to be number one on everything - the import/export on demographics screen doesn't matter that much as long as you're outproducing and outteching everyone. Trade deficits, like many other often misunderstood economic concepts, is not inherently good nor bad. By my own understanding, buying stuff from other countries(imports) is a great way to introduce money into an economy and thus help expand it, without decreasing the value of the importing nation's currency due to increased supply(inflation) since the new money is flowing out as the imported goods come in. In the real world many countries have prospered with huge capital account deficits, like the United States did in the late nineties(disclaimer: don't take my word for it, I'm not an economics major)
No you wouldn't want to forfeit all the commerce you get from foreign trade routes just to be number one on everything - the import/export on demographics screen doesn't matter that much as long as you're outproducing and outteching everyone.

I didn't think it would, but the numbers still make no sense at all. Last night I tried having no trade, lots of trade, open and closed borders, common currency UN resolution and the Free Trade one, still get negative numbers regardless:confused:

I'm just going to call it a glitch and let it go at that and disregard it. I just hate seeing my county listed as number one in everything else and last place in Import/Export

Going by income alone I top everyone else by a long shot. And although I've read all the threads I could find about Corporations though it still makes little sense as well. Why send them overseas as it were to boost the enemies economy or hammer and culture production?
Of all the statistics in the Demogs screen, the import/export figure is undoubtedly the most misleading. What matters to you is how much commerce you are getting from foreign trade: what the combined AIs are getting from trade with you matters little unless your chief rival is funding his research from trading with you (in which case close your borders with him). Using the exp/imp ratio to determine ranking is plain silly: say you're getting 100 commerce and the AIs are getting 200, you'll be rated lower than a squitty liitle civ getting 2 and 2.
say you're getting 100 commerce and the AIs are getting 200, you'll be rated lower than a squitty liitle civ getting 2 and 2.

I see, well if it's nothing to worry about, and as long as I keep winning, fine with me :)

It was just one of those things I couldn't figure out, and the manual is not helpful at all.
I see, well if it's nothing to worry about, and as long as I keep winning, fine with me :)

It was just one of those things I couldn't figure out, and the manual is not helpful at all.

Ah, yes I understand now, it is an irrelevant rating. It also bothered me as well.
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