IOT: Land Ho! [Redux]

Germany will not go past the city of Gdańsk, as the area known as Royal Prussia is Polish as decided in the Second Peace of Thorn.
Reserving Rome. I am the Pope.

Dawn of a New Age- 1485-1489

Mandatory Listening

The past 500 years have been a time of great turbulence. In the New World, three empires of the Aztec, Tawantinsuyu, and Maya prospered, unaware of the conquerors that were about to set foot on their soil. Although the last of the three was a mere shadow of its former self, it still held considerable power. The Aztec and the Tawantinsuyu, on the other hand, were flourishing, expanding their empires across the breadth of the Americas. In North America, many tribes competed for hegemony, no single tribe achieving it. The nomadic Plains Indians feuded over hunting grounds for buffalo, while in the Mississippi River Valley small towns and cities were emerging. Disunited and blissfully unaware, they were dangerously unprepared for the coming onslaught.

In Western Europe, several dozen wars had left behind a few powerful kingdoms. In Spain, the successful offenses of the Moors at Cordova led to the dissolution and deaths of Castille and Leon. Aragon, however, survived; it brought Portugal into its fold by marriage and by the year 1200 it was the last bastion of Christianity in all Iberia.

In Gaul, the Hundred Years' War had left a broken France. The chaos allowed the secession of Brittany, but not without conflict. In the War of Breton Succession, an opportunistic Celtia ceased upon France's slow collapse and captured Brittany for itself.

In 1356, the Norman descendants of William the Conqueror broke off from a severely weakened France, invaded England, and captured that land William had left to his English sons. The Kingdom of Normandy now ruled both sides of the channel. The loss of such a great piece of its territory as well as its previous defeats in the War of Breton Succession and the Hundred Years' War left a shattered France that fell into civil war, resulting in the secession of both Burgundy and the Duchy of Aquitane.

In 1372, the Cordovans were at the height of their power; confident that it was only a matter of time before all Iberia was theirs, they sent a large force towards Aquitane. In desperation, the Duke of Aquitane begfed Aragon for help. Aragon consented. In the pivotal Second Battle of Tours, the forces of Aquitane and Aragon fought tooth and nail against the Moors. Finally, the Moors were broken, in their biggest defeat since they arrived in Iberia hundreds of years prior. Aragon and Aquitane united as one kingdom by marriage; to the present day, their efforts have pushed the Moors back significantly, but nonetheless the Moors remain a dominant force in Iberia.

German affairs, as always, were chaotic. The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. The meteoric rise of Burgundy, Austria-Hungary, and Prussia to mighty kingdoms resulted in the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, as these three kingdoms broke off from the Empire and slowly gobbled away its many principalities, duchies, and fiefdoms. Taking advantage of this collapse,the kingdom of Milan-Savoy in the south and the Netherlands in the north broke off as well from the HRE.

Italy was controlled by three major powers. In the north was Milan-Savoy. Towards the east and the south was Venice, which had established a merchant empire controlling the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, Naples, Illyria, Crete, Cyprus, and several other islands of the Eastern Mediterranean. Finally, the center of Italy was the domain of the Pope, the most powerful man in Western Europe.

In the Balkans and Turkey, the Roman Empire had been reduced to almost nothing and was in its death throes. But as the Ottoman Turks slowly conquered the Balkans, they were met by harsh resistance. An alliance of Free Balkan People emerged, a haphazard conglomeration of many ethnicities, that sought to stop northwards Ottoman conquest and eventually regain their historic homelands.

In Eastern Europe, Poland-Lithuania had split into Poland and Lithuania. Further north, the Hansa Trading League had formed a nation to protect their common trading interests around the Baltic Sea.

Meanwhile, in Russia, conflict had begun. The Golden Horde, the remnant of the old Mongol Empire, controlled the steppes of Russia. Five years ago, however, the Tsardom of Russia broke off. Distracted by its campaigns in Armenia and the Caucusus, the Horde had let the Russians slip for the time being. But it is inevitable that the Horde will once again try to bring Russia under its heel.

The Kalmar Union of Scandinavia collapsed during this time period, leaving a gaping power vacuum in Scandinavia. Capitalizing on this, the Hansa took territory in the south while Celtia conquered a large swathe in the north.

In the Middle East, Crusades had been successful- for the time being- leading to the establishment of the vast Kingdom of Jerusalem, stretching from the delta of the Nile to Anatolia.

However, stirring Muslim forces mean the future of Jerusalem is not so bright. In Arabia, a union of Hejaz and Yemen as the Caliphate of Hejaz-Yemen conquered most of the Arabian peninsula and Mesopotamia, pressing in on Jerusalem from the south and west.

In Egypt, the Mamluks are rallying once more against these Christian infidels, preparing to conquer back the holy land.

Further west, the Safavids of Iran prospered. To the north of Iran lay the expanding Uzbek Khanate, which now set its eyes southwards on Iran.

In the Indian subcontinent, the decaying Sultanate of Delhi, controlled by the Lodi Dynasty, held most of North India west to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, in the south, a new power was rising, the Vijayanagara Empire, that sought to expel the Muslim invaders from India.

In Africa, many states competed for dominance. Of particular noteworthiness, the Ghana Empire and the Mali empire had entered a tense standoff of intense economic competition, each wishing to expand their vast trading empire. Recently, reports of a mysterious nation in the Horn of Africa have filtered into Egypt. Little is known about it, but it has enticed some explorers to travel south. Along the east coast of Africa, the Swahili city states established vast trading networks across the Indian Ocean.

So here we find ourselves. The year is now 1489. Only time will tell what the future holds.

OOC: I have added some regions of 'Terra Incognita" to the map. They are black. You cannot travel into them, through them, or do anything with them. They represent harsh deserts, cold and treacherous mountain ranges, or thick jungles.

Spoiler Map :

Spoiler Stats :

Country # of Territories # of Trade Agreements # of Infra Misc. EP Total EP Power Weakness Armies Navies War?
Mali 30 0 1 0 31 Merchant Nation Easily Seasick 10 0 NO
Celtia 40 0 1 0 41 Patriotic Intolerant 10 0 NO
Prussia 30 0 1 0 31 Military Tradition Arrogant 10 0 NO
Cordova 30 0 1 0 34.65 Patrons Inefficient Governance 10 0 NO
Poland 30 0 1 0 27.9 Military Tradition Inefficient Governance 10 0 NO
Ethiopia 30 0 1 0 31 Patriotic Isolated 10 0 NO
Russia 33 0 1 0 34 Patriotic Overpopulated 10 0 NO
Normandy 32 0 1 0 33 Iron Leadership Heretical 10 0 NO
Jerusalem 30 0 1 0 31 Military Tradition Isolated 10 0 NO
Ottoman Empire 37 0 1 0 38 Military Tradition Easily Seasick 10 0 NO
Venice 28 0 1 0 29 Masters of the Sea Internal Discord

Plains Tribes 22 0 0 0 4.4 Tribal 10 0 NO
Aztecs 8 0 0 0 8 Oppressed Subjects 10 0 NO
Maya 10 0 0 0 2 Tribal 10 0 NO
Tawantinsuyu 15 0 0 0 15 Incan Road 10 0 NO
Mississippian People 10 0 0 0 2 Tribal 10 0 NO
Korea 11 0 0 0 11 Fish Between Two Whales 10 0 NO
China 147 0 0 0 147 Aging Empire 10 0 NO
Vijayanagara 23 0 0 0 23 Fiercely Independent 10 0 NO
Delhi 27 0 0 0 27 Zealotry 10 0 NO
Hejaz-Yemen 19 0 0 0 19 Zealotry 10 0 NO
Iran 31 0 0 0 31 Zealotry 10 0 NO
Uzbek Khanate 17 0 0 0 17 The Horde 10 0 NO
Roman Empire 3 0 0 0 3 Fiercely Independent 10 0 NO
Mamluks 38 0 0 0 38 Aging Empire 10 0 NO
Berbers 47 0 0 0 9.4 Tribal 10 0 NO
Ghana 16 0 0 0 16 Wealthy Beyond Measure 10 0 NO
HRE Remnants 42 0 0 0 42 Aging Empire 10 0 NO
Burgundy 25 0 0 0 25 Lionhearted 10 0 NO
Netherlands 5 0 0 0 5 Fiercely Independent 10 0 NO
Savoy-Milan 24 0 0 0 24 Fiercely Independent 10 0 NO
Papacy 7 0 0 0 7 The Pope 10 0 NO
Aragon-Aquitane 37 0 0 0 37 Zealotry 10 0 NO
Austria-Hungary 55 0 0 0 55 Internal Discord 10 0 NO
Golden Horde 70 0 0 0 70 The Horde 10 0 NO
Free Balkan Alliance 25 0 0 0 25 Fiercely Independent 10 0 NO
Hansa 35 0 0 0 35 Merchant Nation 10 0 NO
Lithuania 32 0 0 0 32 Military Tradition 10 0 NO
Swahili City States 8 0 0 0 8 Merchant Nation 10 0 NO

The Powers
Spoiler :

  • Merchant Nation- 2 EP from each trade agreement (rather than 1)
  • Patriotic- When defending a starting province, automatic addition of a number of units equal to a quarter of the number of provinces owned rounded down.
  • Military Tradition- Land units are 3/4 price
  • Patrons- 1/4 extra EP per territory
  • Iron Leadership- All expeditions are reduced in cost by 20% rounded up
  • Masters of the Sea- Naval units are 3/4 price

The Weaknesses
Spoiler :

  • Easily Seasick- All colonial projects cost 10% more, rounded up
  • Intolerant- Different religion provinces have an extra ten percentage points chance of rebelling
  • Arrogant- NPC's dislike you
  • Inefficient Governance- Automatic deduction of 10% of your income, rounded up
  • Isolated- Infra costs 10EP
  • Overpopulated- Rebellion can happen in home provinces too
  • Heretical- If a rebellion happens, there is a 40% chance any province next to the rebelling province joins (rather than 20%); greater susceptibility to revolts during religious random events (i.e., the Reformation)
  • Internal Discord- Chance of rebellion increased ten percentage points

The NPC Traits (aside from those in the lists above)
Spoiler :

  • Tribal- Automatic income deduction of 80% except when at war with a country from another continent
  • Oppressed Subjects- The first time a country declares war on this NPC, that nation gets two armies for every province it conquers from the NPC
  • Incan Road- Infras are half price
  • Fish Between Two Whales- Infras net 2 EP's
  • Ageing Empire- Cannot build infras
  • Fiercely Independent- Cannot be annexed or made a protectorate
  • Zealotry- When battling nations of other religions, every two armies count as 3
  • The Horde- Every five turns, this nations receives one army per two territories it possesses free of charge
  • Wealthy Beyond Measure- Provinces yield 1.5 EP each (instead of just 1)
  • Lionhearted- In battle, every three armies or three navies counts as four armies or four navies (respectively)
  • The Pope- Can excommunicate rulers of Catholic nations, resulting in massive unrest in those countries; can call for Crusades against non-Catholic or excommunicated nations; other nations can bribe the Pope for favors

Can i claim Italy?
Italian League

Government: Mixed Feudalism-Republicanism
Economic System: Free Market Capitalism
Capital: Firenze
Religion: Roman Catholicism
History: During the collapse of the HRE, North Italian states banded together against the German Emperor, fighting for Italian representation within Europe. At the same time, Roman citizens revolted against the Papacy and declared Rome secular, confining the Papal States to the Vatican. The former Papal subjects united with the North Italian states, forming the Italian League as it is today.
Strength: Venetian Arsenal
Flaw: Factional Partisanship

Spoiler :

Reserving Rome. I am the Pope.

It appears you two submitted while I drafting my post. You guys are free to take most NPC's. There are some exceptions though; the Pope is one of them.

Krzowwh it might make sense for you to take Venice. Christos, knowing you, you might want the Free Balkan Alliance.
Can i take the Green nation in Minor Asia and Greece and change its name and powers?
Are you serious? That's the Turks. Kinda messes up a number of things I have planned out so far.
Can i take the Turks?
One last question. Can i make them Orthodox? ( I have RP writen that says why the Turks became Orthodoxs)
To: Lithuania
From: Poland

While I know that our two nations have suffered greatly in terms of relations to each other before and after the end of the personal union, the Polish king would like you to know we want to repair those relations. We offer you a NAP and a defensive pact, to help fix those broken relations, and promote stability in Eastern Europe.

To: The Hansa
From: Poland

The Polish King is interested in purchasing back the land of Royal Prussia from you. With this, we promise to allow you and other nations access to free trade in the major cities of the region, thus protecting the trading interests you have in the region. If you are interested, we would like to know a price for the region.
Ottoman Empire

Type of Government and Economic System: Absolute Autocracy, Theocracy
Capital: Athens
Religion: Orthodox

The Rise of an Empire:

The Ottoman Tribes invaded Minor Asia in the 13th Century A.D, under the leadership of Osman the Great. Those Muslims tribes came from Mongolia, near China. After raiding all of China, Persia and the Holy Land, they decided to settle at Minor Asia, in Western Asia. After many years of war against Latins and Romans, the Ottomans managed to create a Huge Empire. They were stopped, however, by a Balkan Alliance.

The Holy Orthodox Turkish Empire:

Sultan Mehmet II knew that if the Turks were Muslims and the Balkanians Orthodox, the Empire would never be united. The Balkanians were the majority of the people. Greek, Serbs, Romans. All of them were Orthodox. Some Sultans tried with violence to convert the Balkan People to Islam, but they failed. Mehmet II decided to do the opposite. To convert the Turks to Orthodoxy, in order to unite the Empire. Soon, thousands of Turks became Christians, in a mass conversion not seen since the conversion of Russians to Christianity.

One Strength: Military Tradition
One Flaw: Easily Seasick
Empire of Ethiopia

Spoiler Flag :

Spoiler Claims :

Type of Government and Economic System: Centralist Empire and Feudalism
Leader: Na'od
Capital: Addis Ababa
Religion: Christianism
History: History of Ethiopia till 1489

One Strength: Patriotic- When defending a starting province, automatic addition of a number of units equal to a quarter of the number of provinces owned rounded down.
One Flaw: Isolated- Infra costs 10EP
Considering that Venice does not own any Aegean Islands, Albania, or Peloponnese, I don't see any reason for any of the first three Ottoman-Venetian Wars to occur, so I don't really understand what you are insinuating here.

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