Is the new colonization just freecol with better Graphics?


May 13, 2008
From what ive heard about the new colonization from this site and others it is just like freecol ,which i recently downloaded and played alot, but with better graphics. all the features in the new colonization seem to be excatly the same as those in freecol, i understand that freecol has stolen all theese features from the original colonization but i still think that if you want to play colonization before its out just download freecol and imagine better graphics.
It tries to remake the original game with modern graphics, adding a few features along the way, like the national leaders and the new Founding Fathers system. Remember that FreeCol attempts to clone the original Colonization, so it doesn't make any sense to say the remake's a clone of FreeCol.
I'm with lord shadow on this. It's a bit illogical to compare it with a copy of the original instead of the original itself.
what im trying to say is that if you want to play the new colonization you can download freecol for free which has almost identical gameplay
what im trying to say is that if you want to play the new colonization you can download freecol for free which has almost identical gameplay

I don't need to, I still have the original :)
Whilst graphics alone don't make a game it can be nice if they are somewhat attractive when you are staring at them for 18+ hours a day
what im trying to say is that if you want to play the new colonization you can download freecol for free which has almost identical gameplay
As far as I know, FreeCol's pretty unfinished. And, personally, I don't like its graphics. They look... dunno... amateurish.

If you want Colonization, play Colonization. :p
I don't need to, I still have the original :)
Whilst graphics alone don't make a game it can be nice if they are somewhat attractive when you are staring at them for 18+ hours a day
if you play any game for 18+ hours a day I think poor graphics are not really your major problem...
Freecol is buggy with terrible AI, and it's not even finished. Why would you want to base your remake on THAT?
The graphics for Colonization are breathtaking especially the water. I'm willing to bet that even recommended-spec systems for Civ4 will not be able to run Colonization.
Perhaps not at the highest settings, but I guess you can configure Colonization to look like regular Civ4. :p
No, it's not based on Java, which means that it actually responds when you do something. Wicked!
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