Is there a "Hall of Fame" ....


Feb 9, 2017
that can be accessed along with credits and such? How do I know how well I already did and at what level? I don't have the best memory, y'know?

Also, in the lead up to this game -- before it was released -- Teddy Roosevelt spoke. Does your interface have the civs "talking"? Mine doesn't.
that can be accessed along with credits and such? How do I know how well I already did and at what level? I don't have the best memory, y'know?

There is not currently a Hall of Fame.

Also, in the lead up to this game -- before it was released -- Teddy Roosevelt spoke. Does your interface have the civs "talking"? Mine doesn't.

The leaders are animated on all but the very lowest graphics settings. Check under the options menu and make sure animated leaders aren't disabled.
Be careful though, Enabling Animations can really impact your game’s performance. :p
Are they saving HoF for a DLC? :lol:

I would speculate that the HoF will have more meaning once the game is fully expanded and balanced. Maybe that is why they havent released it yet. Balancing the scoring mechanism is wasted effort if you keep changing the mechanics.
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