Is there a limit to how many people can join a secret society?


Jun 4, 2015
In my current game I want to joint the voidsingers. I've discovered (I believe) all the natural wonders and met every civ (over half of whom are voidsingers) but I still haven't been sent an invitation. Is this just.... really bad luck? Can you get locked out?
Whoops, I meant hermetics (whichever one is natural wonders is the one I can't get, I just typed the wrong one lol)

Incidentally, you can also get voidsingers from meteor sites.
I don't think there is any limit on how many players can get into SS, never actually had any trouble to get invitation from any of them. You might just be unlucky, however I got no 100% certainty of any limits in that matter.
In my current game I want to joint the voidsingers. I've discovered (I believe) all the natural wonders and met every civ (over half of whom are voidsingers) but I still haven't been sent an invitation. Is this just.... really bad luck? Can you get locked out?

The more people who join a society decreases the chances of later people being able to join so if half of the other civs are Hermetic then you would have a drastically decreased chance of getting an invite. However, if you have Top Secret visibility on a leader then you get an invite to the society they have joined if you haven't already joined.
I don't think there is any limit on how many players can get into SS, never actually had any trouble to get invitation from any of them. You might just be unlucky, however I got no 100% certainty of any limits in that matter.
Same. I've never had an issue joining them.

There is a 30% chance each time you trigger a potential find of an SS that you won't receive an invite, so even on Huge, that's a little over 0.02% chance (Edit on being reminded by InsidiousMage that the odds of an invite reduce each time another civ joins that SS, so actually that chance will increase, but since I don't have numbers, I'll leave the calculations as they are) that you won't ever get an invite to the Hermetic Order in a particular game. You could multiply that by four for the four different SSs (I don't know the odds so I'll just extrapolate), so it's going to be 0.1% chance, or 1 in 1,000 that you won't get invited to an SS. It's very unlikely that it would happen in a specific game and pretty unlikely that it would happen to a specific person in their Civ VI career, but I daresay it's happened to a fair few people on this board.

That's not to say that there isn't a rule, I just haven't heard of that and the fact that this is the first I've heard of someone being so thorough and still not getting it suggests to me that it's just rotten luck. Open to being wrong, though.
HO is hardest to get an invite for its true. you only get at most what 7 chances on a huge map, and if having other civs already invited further lowers your chance it's certainly not impossible to miss all the rolls.

Its also the hardest SS to get something from and it really helps to have the invite early. I can't imagine making use of ley lines after laying out my districts. If you place a district over them (only possible if they are not revealed to you) you will never get the yields from the industrial era perk.

I try not to start a game counting on them and indeed have only used them when I spawned next to a Wonder and got invited on turn 1. Once it seemed like a good choice the other time it was a complete waste. Ley lines still spawn more in tiles that have fewer features like tundra and desert, I'm quite convinced they are added by the map generator only after all other resources and features are placed.
HO is hardest to get an invite for its true. you only get at most what 7 chances on a huge map, and if having other civs already invited further lowers your chance it's certainly not impossible to miss all the rolls.

An early invite, yes - but sooner or later you will very likely fulfil the conditions to get one diplomatically.
I wonder why I never discover voidsingers when playing a civ with religious advantages like Khmer, Georgia or India. Is that really random or is it maybe part of the difficulty level?
I wonder why I never discover voidsingers when playing a civ with religious advantages like Khmer, Georgia or India. Is that really random or is it maybe part of the difficulty level?

It's better to ask that question in the Quick Questions and Answers thread rather than necro'ing a thread from a year ago.

However, to answer it: It's random. The exact chances can be found on the wiki. I myself found the Voidsingers first in my Khmer game, if I remember correctly. (also the only game I ever played with Secret Societies on)
I wonder why I never discover voidsingers when playing a civ with religious advantages like Khmer, Georgia or India. Is that really random or is it maybe part of the difficulty level?

Because it has nothing to do with civs, each Society is unlocked with a certain triggers ,for Voidsingers, it's a Goody Hut, I also believe that the odds decrease EVERYTIME an invite is created, so even if you choose against joining it, the odds for the next player decreases, and Goody Huts are plentiful, so its' likely that they are all going to get taken early on, and triggered early on by how many of them there are.
This is why I dont play with SS on.
Not only are they very imbalanced and make the game even easier to play than it already is, but RNG on a key gameplay feature is just a bad mechanic overall.
This is why I dont play with SS on.
Not only are they very imbalanced and make the game even easier to play than it already is, but RNG on a key gameplay feature is just a bad mechanic overall.

The way I see it, you aren't meant to have any special game modes turned on by default. They're ways to spice up your game, not core gameplay.
This is why I don't play with SS on.
Not only are they very imbalanced and make the game even easier to play than it already is, but RNG on a key gameplay feature is just a bad mechanic overall.

Can't get enough of sanguine pact myself, so every game ss is on. Is up to the AI to figure out what better SS suits them, and at Immortal difficulty i have no pity for them with all the difficulty bonuses they get. Besides I'm always making mistakes myself, like I decided to make my start city on plain hills even without fresh water, so take that ai civs I'm hampering myself for free:lol:
This is why I dont play with SS on.
Not only are they very imbalanced and make the game even easier to play than it already is, but RNG on a key gameplay feature is just a bad mechanic overall.

I don't have a problem with the RNG-based methods of discovery, but I agree they're too imbalanced. Also the AI doesn't know how to use them well. So I usually play with them off.
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