To place this question in context:
A am playing Communist German on a huge map and have almost finished wiping the rest of the Civs off the map. I haven't bothered to count cities but I am guessing somewhere above 100 maybe even close to 150. Have been on a non-stop blitzkreig for the last 20+ turns. There is only one other Civ left so all trading has dried up!
I now find myself in the situation of a tax rate of 100% and an income of -374 per turn. As I conquer cities that do actually have some cash left I occasionaly sneak up to 10 gold or so, but for the last few turns it has been sitting on zero with that rather hefty negative income. My advisor warns me that my treasury is low (which I had noticed), however that seems to be the only effect.
Unless the computer is selling improvements behind my back without telling me there doesn't actually seem to be any drawback to a negative income (remembering I am communist and have no trading parties left so don't really have any use for cash).
Oh and I can still produce improvements and units at cities so that is not being curtailed either.
Anyone else noticed this or have any thoughts?
A am playing Communist German on a huge map and have almost finished wiping the rest of the Civs off the map. I haven't bothered to count cities but I am guessing somewhere above 100 maybe even close to 150. Have been on a non-stop blitzkreig for the last 20+ turns. There is only one other Civ left so all trading has dried up!
I now find myself in the situation of a tax rate of 100% and an income of -374 per turn. As I conquer cities that do actually have some cash left I occasionaly sneak up to 10 gold or so, but for the last few turns it has been sitting on zero with that rather hefty negative income. My advisor warns me that my treasury is low (which I had noticed), however that seems to be the only effect.
Unless the computer is selling improvements behind my back without telling me there doesn't actually seem to be any drawback to a negative income (remembering I am communist and have no trading parties left so don't really have any use for cash).
Oh and I can still produce improvements and units at cities so that is not being curtailed either.
Anyone else noticed this or have any thoughts?