Is there some way to turn off grinding?

@Evolena so it does sound like tutorial thing?
When the game forced me to Antiquity I presumed a bug, so I turn it off and on and the ages unlocked themself. But I did have the Lock button availiable on my first playthrough. The only difference between us appears to be me disabling Tutorial from the get go. That would even make sense as the game is only yet trying to teach you about it when it matters and avoids overwhelming you, I suppose was the thinking.
@Evolena so it does sound like tutorial thing?
When the game forced me to Antiquity I presumed a bug, so I turn it off and on and the ages unlocked themself. But I did have the Lock button availiable on my first playthrough. The only difference between us appears to be me disabling Tutorial from the get go. That would even make sense as the game is only yet trying to teach you about it when it matters and avoids overwhelming you, I suppose was the thinking.
My hypothesis yes.
The issue is that those strategies don't tend to be fun for me, as I stop having fun when I get too far ahead of the AI, and I'm only barely on the right side of that line when playing a strong civ without mementos on Deity.

But I might start using them if the AI also gets access to mementos, which they said they were considering implementing.

It's hidden during your first playthrough until you've had an age transition. He said he downloaded the mod after the first transition.

So this is a mixture of bad UI design and impatience on OP's part.

Yeah, if the AI used them too, that would change the calculus to me. Whether it's "all civs play with the same mementos", or "the AI will play with mementos of equal level to what you pick", then I would 100% look at them as another modifier to the leader traits. Whether you use it to shore up a weakness, or emphasize a strength. But even then, I doubt very much that I would intentionally grind for one of them. Rather I'd just see what options I have and plan around that.
> I really don't understand the" problem" and think using the term "Grinding" is disingenuous. The way the leveling system is designed, no one is forcing you to play every day or lose out on weekly goals.
You have 8-10 years to finish, or not finish, at your own pace or to your own desire. You've been trained by other games and achievements to "finish" everything. Just chill out and enjoy your time trying to figure the game out.

I don't mind calling it something else if you prefer, but not sure what else. The term grinding levels for unlocks for me came from my experience playing MMOs and isn't inherently positive or negative. My only personal preference is that it would be cosmetic unlocks behind grinding (or whatever you want to call it) rather than things that change gameplay/strategy and it would be super cool for me personally to find a mod or option that makes it work like that. For me the game is the strategic choices and my own preference would be that all the strategic choices are available to everyone (or at least me), not locked behind an xp system. It's not really about being a completionist, I don't care at all about leader levels (except the part where they block access to strategic choices).

The conversation has drifted a bit from momentos to civs, though, and I agree you aren't grinding to unlock civs because there's no meta-progression. But it's really nice there's a mod for that already so people can play in the way they prefer! I just wish for the same for momentos. That said, it sounds like a lot of people are quite firm that nobody should feel this way and you should not even have this option in a mod and I'm not sure why, and I'll live either way, but for me that seems like a bit of a shame at least.
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