Is this a well-known trick?


Feb 9, 2018
I stumbled on this years ago and I was wondering if it was something everyone knew about. I'll try to explain.

You start a game on Chieftain difficulty. Autosave is turned on. You destroy all other civilizations down to the last city of the last civilization. It's the year 2099. As we know, on Chieftain level the game forces you to either retire or continue playing without scoring starting in the year 2100. So the last city has no units left defending it because you killed them, therefore when one of your units enters the city, you'll win the game. You are on the last move of your last unit of the turn, i.e. the last keystroke immediately before your year 2099 turn ends. You use that move to enter the undefended city. The order of events after that is: Turn ends -> Year cycles to 2100 -> Autosave triggers -> End of Game triggers. You go through the end of game stuff. Then you go back to the title screen and load the file that autosaved at the year 2100. You realize that it autosaved after you captured the city, but before any of the end of game stuff. For whatever reason, this means you are the last civilization on the planet, but the game doesn't recognize that you won or that you aren't supposed to be scoring anymore. You can continue playing, your score will keep increasing, but you're the only civilization in the game.

Is this a well known glitch? I dug around but couldn't find anything on it. Put my mind at ease!
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