hello are people still in here or is there a better place for me to put this.
Anyway I have done a little bit of work on my version of fury road, its basically cosmetic adding in text and such, almost all of the existing units and buildings have pedia texts now I also added stuff for the leaders and changed thee names of some of the Civs. my next move is to go for techs, UU's, UB's and perhaps a couple of other little bits. I'm also thinking making Civ pedia entries as well as leader pedia entries to more clearly define the characters and teams.
I wanted to know if anyone would be willing to suggest any ideas they have for units and building for the various civs here is what i have ideas for:
Robots (for possibly everything in the late game nasty fighters ad efficient workers)
Robotic related buildings
Turned them into new age ecomentalists. Want to learn how to add a leader trait that can add benefits to trees.
Gardeners (workers that can plant or heal trees)
Eco-Warriors (Similar to mysteriuos wanderer good in trees perhaps extra gold from pillaging improvements)
Lost boys:
Got rid of Fortress City Civ and made Peter a second leader for the lost boys (completely personal choice fortress city made no sense to me also the pedia entry for peter mentions lost boys so). Idea Martha brought the children together, Peter came up with a way to train them to protect themselves and to survive the horrors of war and the new world.
4th Reich: (formerly New Holy Rome)
thought the name was to similar to the Centurions also thought 4th Reich held more menace.
Uber-men (the 'master' race types) high level infantry fighters etc.
Sub-humans (weaker starting fighters and or/ slightly inefficient workerforce but quicker to build)
My personal favourites!
Power Armour! later game infantry tough.
unit ranks
Initiate - Survivor
Knight - Guardian type possibly replace heavy weapons types
Paladin etc.
Chain Gang: formerly Stormtroopers
just to make the prison link a bit more obvious
good early fighters
possible Psycho type or kamikaze troop
maybe weaker but easier to build vehicles
Slaves (very inefficient worker but quick to build)
Junkyard trebuchet - more powerful catapult replacement.
Police type unit, good at city defence possible city bonus when garrisoned happiness or something (need to learn if possible)
Refugee Centre (thinking of makig a refugee camp building that allows you to make refugees but give negative bonus such as unhappiness, Refugee Centre is HV UB give positive bonus) they like guests.
Reformed Criminal unit?? some sort of replacement for a fighter not sure what yet.
House Staff - Survivors
New Aus.
some sort of official organised military, perhaps better start units, some kind of finance matainance building.
Roman styled stuff
Auxiliares - Survivor/Crossbow
Roman Styled buildings
Forum - Market
Phoenix Army.
Phoenix Guard - high end elite bodyguard unit
various unit type replacements based on the cults hierarchy
some form of financial building
Also changed Guardians to Militia, thinking of adding in a better trained level of gun infantry?
Any thing you come up with let me know i'd be happy to try and add stuff in. My goal is to make each Civ more unique and individual as well as tying in with their themes better.
Also if you've got a better thread for this to go in one that is more active that would be great to know too.