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Is this true, did I see this right?


Dec 23, 2009
Accumulating faith for my first great prophet and I complete the last of the Liberty policies. I think "well I can grab a great prophet with my free GP to get a religion and then I will get a second one to enhance it in a couple turns with the faith I have been accumulating." Is it true that the faith counter starts over after I pop the free great prophet cause that's what I think I saw.
Free People are no longer free in G&Ks. They'll raise the amount of faith/great person points needed for the next great person/prophet just like you popped one naturally.
Delay finishing Liberty after you popped the first natural GPr. Same applies for other "free" people, especially worth mentioning is building the Louvre - that can seriously ruin your game!
Delay finishing Liberty after you popped the first natural GPr. Same applies for other "free" people, especially worth mentioning is building the Louvre - that can seriously ruin your game!

Louvre appears late enough that by then it doesn't really matter; how else are you going to get two Great Artists that late, unless you have Leaning Tower and a lot of Great Artist points being produced each turn?

Otherwise, FeiLing is right. The Liberty closer, the Mayan UA, and a handful of other "Free" Great People bonuses are actually a mixed-blessing. Usually when I have a shot at a Free Great Person these days, I pick something that I'm not about to get naturally.
Well you need to make sure your last artists and scientist are popping before you finish the Louvre. I remember in my first game I thought I'd go for the Louvre for some Golden Ages for Space Ship building. Too bad, no final scientist came when he was expected :D
Well you need to make sure your last artists and scientist are popping before you finish the Louvre. I remember in my first game I thought I'd go for the Louvre for some Golden Ages for Space Ship building. Too bad, no final scientist came when he was expected :D

Yeah, that's the one thing that you have to lookout for with the Louvre: if you are going to need any other Great People in the final turns, hold off on building it until you get them. It's rare that you will, but if you know you do, it's an issue.

The vast majority of the time, people won't need any other Great Persons at the end (since you usually have Great Generals/Admirals by the late game, and especially since you can't use Great Engineers to finish the Utopia project or a handful of other projects). Going for a science victory is the one time holding off on the Louvre makes sense, since you could still plant the Great Engineers for a production boost on the spaceship parts or use a Great Scientist like you mentioned. But for any other situation, building the Louvre is usually more of a bonus than a problem.
Answering to the OP: the solution I'd use would be to get a great engineer (and to get Theology by that time), and wait till you GP pops. Immediately after that, build the Hagia Sofia and get the second GP.
Accumulating faith for my first great prophet and I complete the last of the Liberty policies. I think "well I can grab a great prophet with my free GP to get a religion and then I will get a second one to enhance it in a couple turns with the faith I have been accumulating." Is it true that the faith counter starts over after I pop the free great prophet cause that's what I think I saw.

It does not restart your faith counter when you gain a GP via Liberty or a wonder; it does, however, increase the cost of your next faith-spawned prophet. I've used this method of creating my religion many times.

In an ideal scenario, you'd close Liberty/complete the Hagia Sophia on the same turn where you naturally spawned your first GP, but since it's nearly impossible to predict exactly which turn it will spawn, that's also nearly impossible.
Oh wow I had no idea that the 'free' great people were increasing the cost as well, its nice to know.
That has been the case since the last patch (which was right before G&K). Liberty finisher, Mayan Long Count, and HS (vanilla) / Pisa (G&K) do increase your Great Person Point cost.

In post-patch Vanilla, the Porcelein Tower scientist and Louvre artists do *not* increase your cost, but they *do* in G&K.

The Babylonian Ingenuity scientists does not seem to increase the cost in G&K.

Acquiring Great People through the Patronage Educated Elite or capturing enemy Great Prophets does not increase costs.

Once you hit Industrial, purchasing Great People with Faith will increase the Faith cost for purchasing that specific Great Person again. But does not increase any of the Great Person Point costs or the Faith costs of other Great People types.
In an ideal scenario, you'd close Liberty/complete the Hagia Sophia on the same turn where you naturally spawned your first GP.

In the ideal scenario you would close Liberty, get "free" Great Engineer and use it to quick build Hagia Sophia to get the Great Prophet. Might as well grab an extra wonder.
The only one I don't agree with is a "free" Great Prophet increases the cost of Great Person Point Great People since you can't even get a Great Prophet that way.
Get a great prophet what way? You get it from faith...which accumulates just like GPP. So it has the same reason to increase in cost via the instant one.
There are no longer "free" great people, just accelerated ones, or in the case of pisa and liberty, ones that you wouldnt normally get in a game taht you no longer have to divert resources to get.
The only one I don't agree with is a "free" Great Prophet increases the cost of Great Person Point Great People since you can't even get a Great Prophet that way.

great prophets don't increase great people points.
it just increases the faith required for the next great prophet - a "free" one just as well.

So if you get a "free" great prophet one turn before you'd get one normally, you GET NOTHING AT ALL. "Free"... FUUU~!
In the ideal scenario you would close Liberty, get "free" Great Engineer and use it to quick build Hagia Sophia to get the Great Prophet. Might as well grab an extra wonder.

Yeah, I've actually done that a couple times and you're right, that's pretty sweet. :cool:

But I was talking about rattling off both Great Prophets in a single turn. :p
anticipate this. it's great to work in the system, for example building hagia sophia so you spend that faith on a pagoda anticipating using the free gr prophet to enhance.
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