Israel SUPERPOWER of culture !!!

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Mr. BoolBool

Jul 28, 2003
Hi all,

For all those which says that Israel had never had much power, land, money etc. There is only one thing which i must say:

If u meassure all countries by military strength, yea, Israel was weak (apart from David's times & modern times which they have small but very advanced force, capable if hitting very far countries !!!)... Anyway the Israel strength should be meassured by culture, and in this field Israel is a SUPERPOWER...

Just think of the fact that most of the people of our world adapts the jewish moral (even if failing to accept it) the muslim & the christians fates were developed from it...
Isreal is important, but how about a new form of government: Aperdhied, like South Africa's government in the 1980's and Isreal's current government . Isreal would also have this government, because Christians and Jews can't be full citizens.
Originally posted by sims2789
Isreal is important, but how about a new form of government: Aperdhied, like South Africa's government in the 1980's and Isreal's current government . Isreal would also have this government, because Christians and Jews can't be full citizens.

Christians and JEWS....:confused:

Ahh, nation bashing....nothing riles up the blood better.


Please don't post such garbage here.
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