JEELEN's Scenarios & Maps

600 bc for bts

A few holy cities missing but looking great so far. Tao, Hindu, Jew.
Perhaps an extra warrior for Chavin for all they do is die. Takes them forever to build anything, maybe even a worker to.

I did like the conflict between tribes you had set up in original, now they just
try and hold ground against barbs. Thats my 2 cents. Still a great job.

AI is too peaceful

It seems DIE Inc. agrees with you on this; I'll add in more units for the AI to use. I'm still hesitant about the war settings; I think I'll use attitude settings after all then. As I said, expect something by Thursday at the least.

I will try your 1066 AD 3.0 !

:confused: What? You haven't already? (I enjoy playing this myself every once in a while, but then the CIV Gold version.);)
600 bc for bts

A few holy cities missing but looking great so far. Tao, Hindu, Jew.
Perhaps an extra warrior for Chavin for all they do is die. Takes them forever to build anything, maybe even a worker to.

I did like the conflict between tribes you had set up in original, now they just
try and hold ground against barbs. Thats my 2 cents. Still a great job. Thanx

I testplayed the Persians well after 1 AD, so I don't agree with the Jewish Holy City being missing (will check about Hindu & Tao); Chavin is a culture (like the pre-Celt Hallstatt and La Téne), there's no evidence that they ever developed into a full-blown civilization (I had considered their initial setup). Update upcoming.;)
:blush: I accidentally uploaded a test version and have renamed the file to version 1.1 to avoid confusion.*

@DIE Inc.: Holy Cities are now in there. As I was editing anyway, I put in some extra barb and AI units in strategic locations. (Upped Chavin a bit so they won't just die. Also added your name to the credits - thx for noticing!);)

@Lachlan: I'll postpone version L for a while - in case more issues pop up!:twitch:

* As I just edited the DL filepage, the link's the same.:hammer2:
I am very interested in these scenarios. Where do I put the file in my folder? I have Civ gold in the mods folder already.

Just put it in the Public maps folder, load the mod, choose Play a scenario, choose the one you want;) and you should be fine.
Pending release of CIV Gold BTS 4.0 I 've resumed work on The Crusades, which at present will feature 18 civs on a Huge Europe-map, starting around the 1st Crusade (1096).

Also I've been looking for a suitable map for a 1 AD scenario, featuring a.o. the Roman Empire under Augustus, the Parthian empire and China under the fist emperor.

More news by tomorrow.;)
I've been working on a civ list for The Crusades, and so far I've come up with these civs to be included:
1. Kingdom of England
2. Kingdom of France
3. Holy Roman Empire
4. Spanish Kingdoms
5. Norman Italy
6. Umayyad Caliphate
7. Fatimids
8. Selchuk Turks
9. Kiev Rus
10. Kingdom of Poland
11. Kingdom of Hungary
12. Kingdom of Georgia
13. Kingdom of Denmark
14. Scots & Irish
15. Papal State
16. Mongols
17. Cumans.

More news by tomorrow!;)
Ok, i would like to know why 1AD rather than 110 AD ?

In 110 AD the challenge should be to maintain Roman Empire until 200 AD and after expand more to East, North, South-East, South and perhaps Americas renamed for the game "Nova Roma" by Roman

Can create alternate 1000-Anno-Domini/1754-Ab-Urb-Condita (depuis la fondation de la ville)

In this 1754 AUC america should be partially known as Nova Roma with an alone colony in Cuba Island, renamed Oceanus Colonia In this scenario...
Should be controlled by West Roman Empire... And Scandinavia should controlling Iceland, Groenland and Terre-Neuve

East Roman Empire should control Mesopotamia, and Arabia (Arabia Felix, Arabia Petrae, Arabia Deserta)

Cornugallia (British Isles+Bretagne) should be vassal of West Roman Empire
Gothland (Central Europa) should be at weak peace East Roman Empire
Huns/Xiong-Nus should be to have colonized with only villages Russia and wipped Scythes but stopped by Goths
Franks should control Netherlands and vassal of Goths

Persia should be at war wit East Roman Empire

Kingdom of Aksum should be in peace wit both Roman Empires
Numidia should be at war with West Roman Empire
Should we have Dahomey and Zimbabwé

For the rest i suggest your yourselve creativity...
Why not an uchrony for the fun ?

Technology should be more advanced in this alternative 1000 AD

Religions could be renamed...

A mini mod should be cool for religions only and their related buildings and should be preplaced

Feel free to add your ideas... Are good idea for you ?
Thank you, Lachlan! As usualyou're ful of ideas; as you may have seen from my previous post I'm currently working on The Crusades. As to 1 AD: it's when the first ever Chinese emperor united China (and Augustus is considered to be the 1st Roman emperor).I also like to include the Parthian empire and - across the sea - Teotiwa'kan. Other than that I think there's not that much difference between 1 and 100 AD. (BTW, I'm not excluding a 100 - or even a 400 AD scenario, but - as I mentioned to Lokolus, I'm not up to making a mod just yet...);)
For the Crusades mod, I think that you should add Venice as the 18th civ.
Yes ! It should be Republic of Venezia leaded by Enrico Dandolo, a middle-age scn without Venezia is mostly a-historic...

Who are Cumans ?
For the Crusades mod, I think that you should add Venice as the 18th civ.

Once again, I'm not making a mod!:mad: (Interesting suggestion though, but why?):confused:

@Lachlan: Cumans (1054-13th c.) appeared in what now is the Ukraine as one of the many steppe peoples entering Europe; their origins are unclear, but they may be related to the Selchuks. They were finally crushed by the Mongols.
Yes ! It should be Republic of Venezia leaded by Enrico Dandolo, a middle-age scn without Venezia is mostly a-historic...

I could include Venice as an 18th civ if editing allows it - so I can't promise it!;)

BTW, 1066 AD for BTS reached its 600th download today!
Finished adding cities for:

- kingdom of France - 4 cities
- kingdom of England - 6 cities (includes Normandy-Brittany)
- kingdom of Denmark - 6 cities
- Spanish kingdoms - 4 cities
- Norman Italy - 4 cities
- Fatimids - 5 cities
- Byzantine empire - 14 cities
- kingdom of Poland - 2 cities (maybe 3)
- Kiev Rus (actually: Russian principalities)
- Mongol Horde (1 city).

More news by tomorrow!;)
Status Report

Editing units & cities for:

1. kingdom of France - 4 cities
2. kingdom of England - 6 cities (includes Normandy-Brittany)
3. kingdom of Denmark - 6 cities
4. Spanish kingdoms - 6 cities
5. Norman Italy - 4 cities
6. Fatimids - 5 cities
7. Byzantine empire - 14 cities
8. kingdom of Poland - 2 cities (maybe 3)
9. Kiev Rus (actually: Russian principalities) - 6 cities (maybe 7)
10. Holy Roman Empire - 7 cities (maybe 8) NO UNITS
11. Papal State - 1 city (maybe 3) NO UNITS
12. kingdom of Hungary - 5 cities
13. kingdom of Georgia - 1 city
14. Almohads - 13 cities (maybe more) NO UNITS
15. Cumans - 2 cities (maybe 4) NO UNITS
16. Selchuk Turks - .. cities NO UNITS
17. Italian City States - 4 cities NO UNITS
18. Mongol Horde - 1 city.


- place BARB cities & units
- place Crusader Armies
- check civs/leaders c.q. LHs

More news by tomorrow!;)
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