JEELEN's Scenarios & Maps

Well, that's not supposed to happen... I haven't played it through until the date you mention. What tribe and what difficulty level were you playing? Could you be more specific about at what point the game crashes?

Also, does anyone else get the same problem?
ive played with rome,1 of china,1 of india,& greek city states.all on settler,i like to see things play out before i bump the skillz. all the same result. about the time knights start showing up,barbs have nades, & u gotta hustle to beat the barbs to liberalism, then its just a matter of turns till crash. when i was china,southern part, attacking Korea's barb city it crashed in middle of combat, as rome it crashed between turns. IDK i can study it further.

Thx for the detailed info; I'll look into it.

Again, does anyone else have the same problem?:confused:(I'm asking to see if 600 BC for BTS needs to be redone on a new map, like I did for 1000 BC for BTS.)
I had the same problems with the 600BC scenario! It chrashed at the same time as DIE Inc. mentioned.
I played one as Macedonia and one as a china (the one in the north-west).

Would be great to play it to the modern times!

One thing i wont forget is to congratulate you for your whole work - i really enjoy to play you scenarios ... there´s nothing better to play some "what if ..." games :-)
Well that does it: I'm planning an update, possibly a major overhaul. (Playtesting myself, I also noticed the Jewish Holy City appears to be missing...);)

Thx to DIE Inc. & raja2002 for providing your feedback!:thumbsup:
Thx for the detailed info; I'll look into it.

Again, does anyone else have the same problem?:confused:(I'm asking to see if 600 BC for BTS needs to be redone on a new map, like I did for 1000 BC for BTS.)

I've played 600BC, starting with Rome. The game hasn't crashed to me, and I am now in the 17th or 18 th century. This is a map full of details - just wondering if it is due to that the computers it crashed on didn't have enough RAM or such...

In the game I've just send a fleet to chile to capture som barbarian cities close to the Incas. I went over with Riflemen - landed them, and started to bombard the city-defenses with my frigates. However - 3 turns later the barbarian city was full of 8 infantry units - i hadn't enough firepower with me to capture such city - and now the Incas (my vassal) are in serious trouble :confused:

But GREAT job on your scenarios - I really enjoy playing them.

Btw. I have 1 GB RAM, 64 MB dedicated graphics and Intel Pentium M 1,5 GHz - so not a powerhorse machine... ;)
:confused: OK, now I'm a bit confused... So I'm asking raja2002 and DIE Inc.: did you guys actually experience a crash (i.e. ERROR report and the game exits) or did the game freeze up? I've seen that myself in late game with 20+ civs (or the turns were taking so long that I simply gave up - I do have other things to do...)

In any case, I'll release up an update, probably some time tomorrow, which will be version 1.0. (I'm currently playtesting it myself, but haven't gotten that far yet, as I wanted to do some other updates. If any other issues pop up, please report them back to me, so I can take them into account for this or the next update. I am planning to redo 600 BC on a new map, but this will take a little bit longer.):hammer:

Anyway, thank you Ikier; glad to see someone is actually able to play this one through!;)
CTD,game shut down error report. played 2 more, inca & carthage, crashed 1000 BC. i got plenty of comp & ram. only problems i have are playing Rhyes & fall's late game forever turn waits.i think thats just short patience.
I've just uploaded version 0.5 of 600 BC for BTS

Alpha version removed after 182 downloads.


- Rome is now an Etruscan vassal
- Jerusalem is the Jewish Holy City
- minor editing of map and cities.



This version will not fix any occurring gamecrash problems. I've uploaded this in preparation of a total redo of the scenario using a new map. This will be version 1.0, in which I'm planning to include the Celts, either as a player or a minor civ.

In the meantime, any suggestions or comments are welcome (thx DIE Inc., raja2002 & Ikier)!
:blush: Oops! Thx for pointing this out! I seem to have uploaded 1000 BC for BTS twice. I've corrected the situation; the scenario should now work fine.

I (and another civver) noticed these river irregularities:crazyeye: ; it seems my map editing qualities aren't perfect...

(BTW: I do have a thread for comments on my CIV Gold scenarios, which I believe is mentioned on the DL page: You may find there as well an update of 1066 AD for CIV Gold BTS)
What the 1.00 version of 600 BC for BTS will have :confused:

I suggest add more civs like Gallia, Iberia, Bretonia (England), Germanic Tribes, proto Vikings, proto-Arabs tribes(3-4-5 uniques faction with one citie perhaps with locked war betwen those three factions, Arabia could perhaps unite or can never) and of course more barbarians cities...

I suggest to give an Iron to Rome : adding one or decaling the iron under Rome city, because the Roman can not rebelling against its Etruscan master...
Etrucan master should be have only Copper...

What about my thinking ?

Good luck for the future of 600 BC its my preferate period...
What the 1.00 version of 600 BC for BTS will have :confused:

I suggest add more civs like Gallia, Iberia, Bretonia (England), Germanic Tribes, proto Vikings, proto-Arabs tribes(3-4-5 uniques faction with one citie perhaps with locked war betwen those three factions, Arabia could perhaps unite or can never) and of course more barbarians cities...

I will see how many civs can be added safely:
- Gallia/Iberia/Brittannia might be united in a Celtic civ;
- Germanic Tribes is a good one as well (these might include the proto-Vikings you propose, as the Germanic tribes originated in Scandinavia);
- proto-Arabia might be Semitic Tribes.

I suggest to give an Iron to Rome : adding one or decaling the iron under Rome city, because the Roman can not rebelling against its Etruscan master...
Etrucan master should be have only Copper...

What about my thinking ?

Good luck for the future of 600 BC its my preferate period...

I'll check Roman Iron accessability. Good suggestion about the Etruscan copper, but one can always get rid of a vassalrelation by denying any tribute, which will automatically trigger war (so when playing Rome, time such a rebellion carefully), as will expansion beyond the original territory. Making Rome an Etruscan vassal is both historical accurate as well as that it enables to expand beyond Etruscan territory.

So, in short, I like your thoughts on this. (If anybody else has suggestions to make, please do!):goodjob:
Following Lachlan's suggestions I now have this civ listing for
600 BC for BTS 1.0:
1. Greek City States
2. Macedonia
3. Persia
4. Magadha (India)
5. Kosala (India)
6. Avanti (India)
7. Yue Zhi
8. Qi Duchy (China)
9. Jin Duchy (China)
10. Chu (China)
11. Carthage
12. Etruscan League copper
13. Rome iron
14. Germanic Tribes
15. Celts
16. Semitic Tribes
17. Chavin
18. Olmecs
plus lots of barbarians (cities + units);

resulting in quite a fun scenario setup.:mischief:
Ok, i will agree of this organisation...

But think that celts are never been united :mischief:

So i proposed the three great faction as Iberia, Gallia and Bretonia :)

Who care for chavin or olmecs, i never played those two civs because should be painful to evoluate ages on ages ;)

Celts become Gallia
Olmecs replaced by Iberia
Chavin replaced by Bretonia

Ainsi (in french) we have forever 18 civs and we take up the fact that the most develloped Civs were in ancient World :goodjob: And most KNOWN history also :)

Agree ?
The Olmec and Chavin are historically correct civs for this era, for which reason I'm not inclined to remove them.;)

The Olmec are credited with the invention of writing, the number zero and the Mesoamerican or Long Count Calendar; as a leadername I was thinking of Tenocelome ("Mouth of the Jaguar").

The Chavin culture was the precursor of later Southamerican cultures such as the Moche and Inca; although they typically lacked writing, their gold, silver and copper metallurgy abilities were rather advanced and they developed an extensive trade network.

I agree that the Celts were not a united civ, but neither were the Germanic tribes. I am inclined to let the Celts be one civ. But they need not have three cities; perhaps one in Gaul (the rest may be barbarian). They did however extend into Thracia and Asia Minor (both the Thracians and Galates were of Celtic origin).

However, since there are both three civs in India and China one of each may be replaced by another Asian or African civ. Alors, any suggestions?:shifty:
Ok, i finally agree for 600 BC for BTS, You can make the scenario, good luck :)
What are the news :) ?

I have an idea : the Celts should be have three cities/centers only :
- One city in Iberia : Toletum
- One city in Gaul : Lutecia
- One city in Bretonia : Londinium

Only these three cities and should be OK :goodjob:

Ainsi we have three virtual tribes reunited in one civ...

These three cities should be military centers

We can act same for germanic and semitic tribes, no ?

Good continuation !
Les nouvelles d'aujourdhui [News of the day]: I'm gradually filling in the map with cities & units. Carthage, Rome, Etruscans, Germans, Greeks, Persia, the Indians, Chinese, Yue Zhi, Olmecs and Chavin are in place, as are some of the barbarians. Celts, Semitic tribes and most barbarians still need to be implemented. :hammer: (If all goes well, I'll be able to playtest the basic setup tomorrow and version 1.0 may be up some time Sunday.);)
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