Pre-Turn Comments
Not much to say yet although I wanted to point out a few things. The dotmap was great, Jesus although I want to add one more pontential city spot, albeit a bit later in the game. I think a good city spot for strong production would be near the dyes and rice resources towards the southern end of our island; for this reason, once we are comfortable along, I suggest we build three or four workers for the sole purpose of removing the jungle. (So much for environmentalism, eh?)
Turn 1 (3160 BC)
Workers are keeping the cows warm. Besides that, nothing.
Turn 2 (3120 BC)
Animal Husbandry finished. Start on The Wheel.
Worker begins on pasture south of Washington.
Turn 3 (3080 BC)
Turn 4 (3040 BC)
Scout finishes exploring so I set him up on the gold hill for fog-busting duty.
Turn 5 (3000 BC)
Lighthouse finished. Begin warrior.
Turn 6 (2960 BC)
Worker finishes pasture.
Turn 7 (2920 BC)
Worker starts on another pasture east of Washington.
Turn 8 (2880 BC)
Warrior finishes. Begin another warrior.
Warrior #2 moves to hit to do some more fog-busting.
At this point, the city needs three turns to grow so I opted for a warrior (3 turns to finish) before starting on our settler.
Turn 9 (2840 BC)
Wheel is finished. Start on Pottery.
Turn 10 (2800 BC)
Turn 11 (2760 BC)
Scout attacked by Lion but survives.
Warrior finishes. Settler begins; only 8 turns!
Turn 12 (2720 BC)
Shift the warriors and scout around to bust more fog.
Warrior begins to build roads to link pasture to city.
Turn 13 (2680 BC)
Turn 14 (2640 BC)
Scout dies to panther attacks!
Turn 15 (2600 BC)
Pottery finishes. Begin on Mining.
Workers start on cottage.
The choice of techs was between mining or hunting (to get archery). Although it might be a bit risky to delay archery (since the barbs will start spawning soon), I think that mining is more important because the added income and happiness from mining would be a big boost to our growth and tech in the early game.
Next person gets to choose our next city!
Now for the pictures:
Good locale; plenty of food resources coming along.
Our island, completely explored. We got some nice resources here and there though that jungle is going to impede our development near the mid game.
What are our short term tech/expansion goals?
EDIT: Sorry about that, save file attached.