Join my marathon game

The save and the game from the room are gone. what's happening??
What? Which game? What do you mean by save? What do you mean by room? I don't see any issues, whith any current game. It's zarkons turn in all of them, but he is on 2 week vacation.
Are you in one of these games? What is your steam id? Its not Itiseye I guess.
Edit: Oh I just found that a 6/8 game reduced to 5/8 when comparing to the first post. Are you Kobra? You sure you did not quit accidentally? You could try reconnect with the join code.
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I am now in another game with an alternate code, it says we're now waiting for other players again

the marathon game is not available in the staging room
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I am back in the game with an alternate code, it says we're now waiting for other players again
You joinded the wrong game. That is a new game with new conditions, please read the conditions. I don't remember banning you, though it is true at some point you were inactive for almost 1 month. I think you just accidently quit, eg.: in case it is not your turn and you enter the lobby then exit it can do a quit. Your game was: MB6Wp. I don't think you can rejoin it now, since multiple turns have since passed ,but you can try.
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I am now in another game with an alternate code, it says we're now waiting for other players again

the marathon game is not available in the staging room
I've removed you from the new game, since as far as I understand you joined it accidentally. But if not, and the conditions in the OP is fine, you can rejoin. Also I removed nehuya, since I do not know him and he did not announce himself as per the conditions. Also the steam name (in russian) is profane, although that could be just a coincidence, so if, nehuya, you want to join please announce yourself here, then join. Thx in advance!
I had to remove coolfunhaver for inactivity of more than one month (about 1 month and 1 week) from game YWVkq.
Hello new players: I see two new players on Bitua's Game 4, which is very nice, but note as per OP rule: If you are new introduce your forum user and steam user: which basically just means, post something here like, hi I joined X game. Otherwise I will have to remove you (especially with funny user ids like bilowsky and pilowsky or whatever - my initial perception is that you are just joking...) I set game's visibility to private, so I guess you joined it based on seeing it here, right?
Hi Bitula,
Yes we joined your waiting room, however we're just busy old people who can afford couple minutes a day to perform a turn. Take this introduction for both Filowski and Buchajski
PS thanks for forum nick idea. :)
Hi Bitula,
Yes we joined your waiting room, however we're just busy old people who can afford couple minutes a day to perform a turn. Take this introduction for both Filowski and Buchajski
PS thanks for forum nick idea. :)
Sure, one turn per day is fine. Thanks for the post. I wont remove you two then, though one of you has quit as I've seen.
Hi All, is your pbc working? I have an empty list in mygames tab. None of the games I had there are showing, only newly created ones (see test). Furthermore if I join via join code or notifications I get the game already started message.
Issue resolved. FYI: if you have this in the future solution is to relink your 2K account -> uncheck the checkbox neare the 2K icon at the bottom of civ main menu, then login again.
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