1. A way to individually set each AI player difficulty level or if that is not possible a way to apply additional bonuses to that individual AI player.
2. Three additional government Celebration effect options, available for all nine governments, plus Mexico unique government type, Revolución. A Celebration effect that adds 15% Influence and reduces all of your Gold income by 30%. A Celebration effect that adds 10% Production and reduces all of your Gold income by 10%. A Celebration effect that adds 5% Culture and 5% Science and reduces all of your Gold income by 5%. With the length of time these celebration effects last being based on the game's length. My main reason for wanting this is to have a little bit more variety with the celebration effects and obviously the numbers can be changed around so that the existing celebration effects are still relevant and good choices.
3. Give the Army Commanders, Fleet Commanders, Squadron Commanders, Aircraft Carriers, a promotion tree with Governor like promotions like “Librarian” from Civilization 6 adds 15% Culture and 15% Science when stationed inside a settlement’s rural district or urban district to that settlement. To try and keep some balance, basically their can only ever be one instance of a promotion from this governor tree active for that player. As an example make it so after one of your Commanders takes the “Librarian” promotion it becomes permanently unavailable as a promotion for all units belonging to that player for the rest of the game.
2. Three additional government Celebration effect options, available for all nine governments, plus Mexico unique government type, Revolución. A Celebration effect that adds 15% Influence and reduces all of your Gold income by 30%. A Celebration effect that adds 10% Production and reduces all of your Gold income by 10%. A Celebration effect that adds 5% Culture and 5% Science and reduces all of your Gold income by 5%. With the length of time these celebration effects last being based on the game's length. My main reason for wanting this is to have a little bit more variety with the celebration effects and obviously the numbers can be changed around so that the existing celebration effects are still relevant and good choices.
3. Give the Army Commanders, Fleet Commanders, Squadron Commanders, Aircraft Carriers, a promotion tree with Governor like promotions like “Librarian” from Civilization 6 adds 15% Culture and 15% Science when stationed inside a settlement’s rural district or urban district to that settlement. To try and keep some balance, basically their can only ever be one instance of a promotion from this governor tree active for that player. As an example make it so after one of your Commanders takes the “Librarian” promotion it becomes permanently unavailable as a promotion for all units belonging to that player for the rest of the game.