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killzones and death traps


Jun 29, 2008
In general I'm very pleased with Civilization V, but I'm not impressed by the tactics the AI's army use.

They don't make proper use of infantry, artillery and cavalry. What they should start programming is the concept of killzones: recognizing them, and creating them.

Now the system only seems to be able to compute victory chances on attack, but they should also calculate the safety of moving a unit to a certain tile.

Currently I'm always using the same strategy, which makes me virtually invulnerable vs the AI (except if they would have a huge tech advantage):

In peace time I put all units 2 tiles from the border, put the artillery behind that, and the cavalry behind the artillery. In the current situation I nearly build 2 artillery for each infantry unit.

A war starts, and the AI ignores my decent positions, and just sends EVERYTHING they have to the front. It then takes 3 or 4 turns to completely destroy their army, mainly with artillery and city defense, cleaning up with infantry, and cavalry for some isolated units.

Then I conquer some cities, until I get bored doing so, and may accept peace if they give me a really good deal.

This doesn't feel satisfying. I don't feel like winning a fantastic battle. This happens on every difficulty level I believe.

Why does the AI never play defensively, but always rushing?
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