King of the Hill Scenario

Bannor vs Sheaim
Doviello or Calabim

I prefer playing with male leaders....(yeah yeah...i know) but in my opinion the AI plays better with Os-gabella, with Flauros and I like the agressive style of Tasunke more. Those dwarves I dont know, a bit the same i guess.

Why these? My thump told me so ;-)
If you want to balance good vs evil then I propose
Sheiam vs Elohim
Calabim vs Bannor
Grigori + Khazad + elfs
But that would be 7 and you wanted 5... so get rid of the Calabim/Bannor.

Nah, I want a bigger one, not 7 but at least 9 civ :) I hope ver 2 will be a big meatgringer.
Please also assign Religions to your proposed civs.

Why did I go for 5 Civs ? See it appeared that the Infernals and Mercurians are spawning VEERY quick (in the first 70 turns).

So in order for the existing civs to have any chance against a raging Hyborem, I need to give them some Barbarians for experience.

Besides .. the Infernals are spawning very quick, but also very unadvanced. They start with only a handful of units. And they cannot restock their army with anything beyond warriors and archers. Therefore I wanted to give them some room for expansion.

Do not forget we play with effectivly 7 civs and a damn high Armageddon Counter... The meatgrinder is there, no doubt.

Apart from this I am experimenting more and more with a sole pure vs. evil scenario.

That means current I am very much on the line

Elohim (RoK) vs. Sheaim (AV)
Bannor (O) vs. Doviello (OO)
Elves (FoL)

I found that the Elohim Monks really rock against the Sheaim and against the Infernals.
But naturally the Elohim are also veeery pacifistic, but this is changing with the raising armageddon counter.

In anyway I found the Order is also a very nice religion for Elohim

Therefore I am also testing

Elohim (O) vs. Sheaim (AV)
Elves (FoL), Amurites (OO), Khazad (RoK)

In this case the action happens with Elohim and Sheaim, but you can not really rush anything.No Civ in this scenario is an early crusher. This is damn noticable.
Most of the time everybody is happy with everybody. AV is spreading peacefully to the Amurites, the Dwarves etc.
Only after Hyborem is entering the stage, the things are speeding up. Very fast the Elohim or Khazad or the Elves are kicking out the Mercurian Gate.
Then it gets interesting.
As all the civs are focusing on infrastructure early, they are already quite well prepared.
I was REAAALLY struggling with Hyborem :)

some news from the front :

I am sick of playtesting. In the end it is always the same. You build a massive army and go rampaging.

But basically now I am happy with the choices, however .. it all got a little different. It turned out that the eye matters, too.

I was so tired of playtesting that I just started looking for really awesome and unique graphics.

I found them in :

2)Light Elves
3)Dwarves (too some extent)
4)Doviello (they are all great but .. have you ever seen the War Elephant ?? That one is sooo awesome)
5)Amurites (they are just .. you know .. mindblowing :) )
6)Sheaim (they simply have a veery unique play style .. armageddon anyone :) )

however this is not completely fitting with the religions and the alignments. Therefore ... We get new leaders with distinct traits and background for this scenario only.

Example : What about an neutral agnostic Doviello ? An aggressive Bannor ? An evil Sheaim-Type Amurite Leader ?

A little teaser :

Background :

Tuollian, The Twisted (Phil, Arc, Evil, Amurite, Octopus Overlords)

.. The Amurite society is very liberal when it comes to knowledge and magic.
But even for Amurite Standards Tuollian was different. As a headmaster of Angarg the Northern Academy of Magic he was certainly not the average Archmage. Angarg had already a history of certain research in the more darker and twisted domains of magic.
It was also known that the life of a young student could get dangerous at times. Besides the well known fact that Senior Mages would regularly use and misuse their younger collegues for their own experiments. But things started to get out of hands when Tuollian permitted clerics on the campus. Amurite Sholars are interested in the divine knowledge of magic but they certainly draw a fine line between studies and devotion. But Tuollian turned Passion for his work into Fanatism for Twisted Enlightment.

It was not so much his methods but the results of his new experiments that stirred the disapproval of academic circles and the public. What kind of success is it when a student suddenly looks like the things that learn to summon in the higher academic grades ? Not too mention the unlucky ones who suddenly got missed and not to mention the complaints of civilians to their local authority about things that go bump in the night and are definitivly not your average Chaos Marauder or Elemental.
Slowly with rumours and sightings the case grew out of Angarg. Things started to affect even high politics. Foreign Relations with other leaders got spoiled. Death Magic is one thing. Nobody will deny its benefits and the wish to prolong one's life or to raise gone ones is very well accepted in the Amurite society. But Entropy, Chaos and Body and especially the Divine domains of these spheres are different topics.

Tuollian had crossed the line. There was reason why Religion was not prohibited but also not encouraged on campuses. There was reason why a young Adept had to choose only one line of Magic. There was reason why other Archmages with similiar powers had not given in to the desire to combine the different domains of Magic like Divine and Sorcery and Summoning.. but there was no reason in Tuollian anymore.

Eventually Valledia had to act as no leader had to act for centuries. She dismissed Tuollian from his posting and stripped him of his titles for continious, conscious and harmful misuse of students, besides endangering the public. He became an Outcast, a Twisted .. but he did not even care anymore.

Amurite Archmages had mastered Body and Mind, Elementals and Spirits, Charms and Curses, even defeated Death itself but he had mastered ... Creation !

The last known sightings of Tuollian where when he crossed the Amurite Border together with a group of few almost zealotious Mages and Students. He was heading north...

to be continued ...
There will also be a slight change in combat mechanics.

I just got sick of reloading when my beloved hero is dieing despite a combat percentage of 99.7 %. Not to mention the sudden death of my most veteran ground units who had been the backbone of my army for centuries despite 98.6 %.

So my solution for this problem is as simply as working ... 100 % withdrawal chance for every unit with combat experience...

In this case the units doesnt die, but is knocked out for several turns if the battle goes wrong.

This works out better than you think in the first moment.

AI is not losing so many units, therefore they build less units, therefore they built more buildings, therefore they build better units.

It is still possible to kill any unit, just by counterattacks .. which works very well. But as the AI is still only attacking only with units that have attack_ai, they still have good stacks with defenders left behind, so it does not become a cake walk for the human players..
However thanks to the withdrawal chance the ai becomes much more .. courageous :) I had it often that I got attacked on the way and the ai is getting good in picking up smaller stacks of mine !!
It is just great and more challenging.

What means units with combat experience. Well the idea is that only a unit that has survived at least one fight is able to muster the discipline to retreat in an more or less ordered fashion. (when a units dies in CIV is does not mean everybody is slaughtered but it means the small rest of the unit is simply scattered across the land).
The only other possibility to escape total annihilation for a unit would be if they outrun the enemy and simply flee back to their lines.

In Combat Mechanics this means that I just altered Combat Promotions like Combat1, Woodsman1, City Raider1, Guerilla1 etc. and speed promotions like Mobility1, Navigation1 to give them the 100 % withdrawal feature.
(Naturally I removed the Flanking Promotion and naturally Navigation has no Flanking Prerequisite anymore)

I left magic and divine promotion completelly untouched. That means that your summons will not withdraw and neither will the Barbarians and neither will your completely fresh units and neither will your adepts and priests except if you give them at least mobility. (and there is also no spell to give this mechanic to any unit for good reason).

Why this latter one was important ? Think about performance of your machine and about too many units in the game.

As you will notice catapults can withdraw too with Combat Promotions .. this issue is solved by simply denying any combat promotions to catapults. Lets be honest, a catapult with Combat 1 ?? In return I allowed mobility 1 for catapults ! (I see this as an experience/technique of the catapult crew as they learned to disassemble and reassemble the siege unit to transport in mobile carts whatever.)

Welcome to a whole new civ afterwards .. you will notice the difference in reloading times :)
Is the reason that there seems to be an inordinate number of losses with 99.9% chance of victory because of a bug in the calculations Civ 4 makes? If so will that be fixed?

Sorry no idea, I just worked out my own solution that is as less invasive into FFH as possible. I just needed to touch the xml level and I am very happy about that as it makes upgrading of my scenario to the next versions of FFH veeery easy.
Some more teasers :

King Of the Hill comes with 6 new leaders, all available also in plain FFH !

Amrosh Dol, leading the Dwarves (agg, fin, ingenuity)

Erendiel, an agressive, raiding , good leader for the Elves


Thalen is also aggressive, spiritual and .. will hopefully lead in the Bannor into Crusades .. (favorite civic)

The Twisted Tuollian was already introduced a few posts back .. he is now philo, arcane and evil ...


But lets go for the really bad guys .. The Hooded (his real name is long forgotten) is a faithful servant of his mistress Os-Gabella and will carry out her will with all his power.
He is philo, sum and evil


Last but not least my secret favorite .. he was the sole reason reason that FFH-KOTH comes with six new leaders. The Doviello had to be in (simply because I love their style (graphics and playwise), but .. the evil spot was full, therefore ....

Umruk is different, he was always different. When the Tribe was lead to great hights but also to great falls by its leaders, he was observing. When the Tribe sacked a city, he did not celebrate all night, but ask stupid questions, like .. why do we burn it, but not keep it ? When the Tribe losts a battle he did not mourn, but think. Umruk was different.
He did not welcome the different priests that wanted to use the Tribe for their own purposes. He did not embrace the Doviello way of living without question. He spoke not about women, gold and ale, he spoke about .. change ..

Why do we freeze in winter in our tents, when we have seen warm houses made of stones, he asked ?
Why do the weak fear us, but the strong do not ally with us ?
Are we really masters of our own lifes or do we merely carry out the will of other powers? Aren't we just puppets in the hands of treacherous preachers and missionaries ?

One day he left the Tribe and took a few with him. He wanted a different life, he said... he wanted change, he said. He wanted .. to adapt ..

Umruk, agg, agnostic, adaptive, neutral and ((only in FFH-KOTH) also having Taverns (adventurers) in his core cities)

Wauw, nice leaders, the dwarf is really scary ;-)

I still dont know about the agnostic one. With whomever i am playing its so easy to be friends with Cassiel, so is evrybody. He wont do a thing and its hard to get him convinced to help you in war. But perhaps agressive as trait will help, i hope.
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