KP's Minor Tweak (Release)

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Gone to the dogs
Feb 1, 2004
So here we go, yet another 'tweak' mod...

KP's Minor Tweak


The intention of this is to help with multi-player games a bit (especially where the players aren't that evenly matched). It's the result of the merger of two seperate PtW mods into one Conquests mod. These are intended to improve the gaming experience of myself (KayEss) and a PbEM partner of mine, Pang - hence KP's.


The science changes are aimed at reducing science lead lockin. That is to say, it's meant to stop anybody from falling too far behind. The changes in this part are:
  • Great Library is a Small Wonder.
  • Techs can be had in two turns (not four).
  • Theory of Evolution increases science output

The upshot of this is that every tribe is able to more or less keep up in tech, but if somebody has a very strong economy they can still pull ahead by pouring money into research.


Some new units have been created which, although immobile, allow cities to better defend themselves. Stats are given as bombar/range/rate.

  • Cannon Fortification - Available with chemistry - 12/2/1.
  • Artillery emplacement - Available with Steel - 18/3/3.
  • Turret - Available with Smart Weapons - 24/4/3.

These are intended to help (defensive) artillery with providing units at earlier techs. The long ranges help a city to defend itself as units are moving towards it. The units cannot be moved so must always stay in the city they are created in.


I've been a bad boy :blush: - I'm afraid I don't remember whose graphics I used for the three extra units. Whover you are - they're GREAT! (Can I have my Frosties now?)


The mod is for Conquests 1.22. Unzip and place in the Conquests Scenarios folder.

Things left to do

I think there may be some sound effects missing and Civ icons missing for the new units. If anybody would like to sort them out (hint hint) that'd be much appreciated :p
I'll give it a try this weekend after my term paper...looks interesting.
also, we dont have any stinkin' frosties ! :rolleyes: :crazyeye: :D


(Just Kidding ! :mischief: )
I was thinking about making the whole thing a bit more complex by forcing you to rebuild things like libraries and barracks (was that a CivII or CivI thing?) for each age. Basically get you more into a builder mode and slow the thing down a bit. No more techs every four turns by the industrial era...

Hope you like the three new units.
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