Language as Its Own Game Concept/Mechanism


Dec 26, 2020
Maybe it's just because I'm a trained linguist and all-around language nerd, but I've long fantasized about a Civ game that makes Language its own game concept, separate from but likely interacting in key ways with Culture. Maybe the player can watch his Civ's native tongue progress through Old, Middle, and Modern stages. Maybe each city develops its own dialect over time, and an important accomplishment may be the standardization of the national language via a Language Academy built in the Government Plaza (this idea in particular would work really well as part of the broader Centralization concept that I propose in another thread). Additionally, perhaps the propagation of the standard is done mainly through a Public School building. Meanwhile, the international prestige of your language can be enhanced mainly with Great Writers, Trade Routes, etc. For example, if your civilization attracts alot of trade, tourism,a and especially Great Works of Literature, you can watch as your language rises in status from National Language to Regional Lingua Franca and maybe even to Global Lingua Franca. Maybe a prestigious language gives you perks in diplomacy or cultural influence.

What do you think? Has anyone else pondered this possibility?
I can only Imagine a Language Mechanism if they Introduced the Ideology Systeme beforehand. Although Language is the key to most aspects of Human Activities (without Language there is no proper progress in Science/Culture... the Civ developement would be discontinuous), I think it should only have an international impact (How can a Civ generate Science from a CS when they can't even comunicate propperly with each other?), but not a national one (dialect). That would only complicate things further, and it's not that necessary.
This game can make the gamefication os learn leanguague with history, a kind of Duolinguo history plus beta!
Hi, fellow language nerd! :D I'd be delighted to see this happen, though I might treat it as part of a broader Ethnicity mechanic.
Yeah, when you consider what gameplay / what decisions are really going to be put in the game with such a system, it sort of dissolves into a form of cultural pressure modifier, which might be informed by multiple things having to do with ethnicity as Doctor Bashi Zaarin says. Tracking a language down to all that detail, when it has no way to affect anything before the international step, you just can't justify the computational cycles (or the risks of coding it).

Instead, a compromise wherein a few, named factors that affect cultural pressure can be seen in your reports screen, and increased through pursuing those advantages like any other. That is to say, getting the "Lingua Franca", becoming your alt-history world's English, is the final result and that is pretty cool to base significant bonuses on, but I suspect tracking the emergence of such a language winner is better done with a facade of complexity than a genuine turn-by-turn process.
Could I hear about that ethnicity mechanic Zaarin
The way I'd envision it working is every population unit has an Ethnicity. This would modify things like tourism, culture spread, diplomatic relations, and citizen satisfaction and could also interact with things like religion; it would also allow for mechanics like emigration/immigration and provide a natural penalty to conquered cities as the conquered city would be almost entirely foreign ethnicity (I'm personally dealing with this right now in CK3 as my Christian Gaelic subjects for some reason don't appreciate their pagan Norse overlord :mischief: ). A lot of my inspiration here is Endless Space and its sequel, but I'd rather not take that inspiration too far and have specific ethnicities give specific bonuses (that works fine for aliens but risks running into stereotype territory or worse when applied to real life people groups). Still, even without Amplitude's specific population bonuses, it could lead to some really nuanced gameplay mechanics around diplomatic relations, immigration, minority populations, culture, and religion. Some civs could interact with these mechanics in really interesting ways, too.
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