Lord Lakely
Idea Fountain
All Civ games (except for Civ2) put major focus on the leader, though with increments. Civ3 debuted (hilariously ugly) animated leaderheads, Civ4 added body language, Civ5 voice acting.Civ2 is the first Civ game I played, but my memories before Civ4 are pretty hazy. And since Civ4 there has definitely been an increasing focus on the leader.
If I'm honest, I kind of prefer the Civ1 style of diplomacy?
There is something very charming and authentic about 2D Cutscenes, flanked with lofi soundtrack. If someone were to design a Civ-like with similar pixellated leaders + midi jingles diplomacy screens in this present-day and age, i'd be inclined to buy it on charm alone.