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Leaving a Civ mid-game: What do you take with you?


Mrs GrumpyOldCivver
Dec 7, 2009
Of course FAR be it from me to backstab my allies :mischief: but what happens when you leave a civ mid-game? What do you keep and what stays with your former civ? I would assume your population and buildings are yours. What about hammers, gold, and food? What about techs? Armies? Anything else I should take into account?
You get to keep everything except wonders and tech. From technology you only get to take take with you the ones that you have been the MVP on (which can lead to interesting army combinations as in my last game where we had fighters and tanks fighting aside spears)
Yes, your old civ keeps it as well. Note that when you leave a civ, there is a 0-12 hours penalty before you can join/create another civ. I haven't figured out what affects the length of the penalty.

Note that when you join your new civ, your medals from the previous civ doesn't reset. Example, you earned a 8k gold medal. You leave then join some other civ. Your new civ's next medal is now 10k even if it would have been 5k for them before you joined.
Can I still use any buildings that I already have built, even if I don't know how to build them?

The game I'm in is stagnating. I've already decided to leave as soon as I upgrade my horses into tanks. Is there anything else I should plan on?
Late middle ages, I am the MVP on every single tech we have. I would keep those techs if I left?
I believe that if you leave a civ mid-game, you take the techs you personally researched, but any of your troops that are too high-level for those techs will be demoted to the techs you own. (And presumably promoted again if you join an advanced civ later. There is an hour wait before you can join another civ though).
Yes, your old civ keeps it as well. Note that when you leave a civ, there is a 0-12 hours penalty before you can join/create another civ. I haven't figured out what affects the length of the penalty.

Note that when you join your new civ, your medals from the previous civ doesn't reset. Example, you earned a 8k gold medal. You leave then join some other civ. Your new civ's next medal is now 10k even if it would have been 5k for them before you joined.

If you figure it out, I would be curious to know.

In the game in which I was unable to sign into for many days - I have like 6 fame points, and 1 medal... but somehow I was king.

So I decided this game would be nice to play with, so I left the civ - and a 12 hour countdown started. Wonder why 12? Maybe because I was currently king?
...I have like 6 fame points, and 1 medal... but somehow I was king...
Ranking within your civ isn't set by your overall performance, just your most recent achievements. If you win a contest or a medal then you move up. It doesn't matter if the guy above you has dozens more contest wins or medals. If you won the last one you move ahead.
The time out for the Diplomatic penalty is affected by how many times (including times related to bugged expulsion) you have changed civ before. Time on the naughty stair starts when you leave the civ, so you are forced to be independent for a period of time.

1st time: 0
2nd: 1 hour
3rd: 2 hours
4th: 3 hours
5th: 4 hours
6th: 5 hours
7th: 8 hours
8th and above: 12 hours

Ask me how I know.

If you figure it out, I would be curious to know.
So I decided this game would be nice to play with, so I left the civ - and a 12 hour countdown started. Wonder why 12? Maybe because I was currently king?

Being king doesn't affect it, but being in a game with the weird putting everyone in the big civ bug definitely does. If you tried to join a civ at any point and couldn't, the game counted that as leaving the civ several times. A few people have reported this bug.
... and what makes it worse is the 12 hours should have been before I went to sleep... but now because the servers were down, time did not "move", so I won't be able to join another civ until morning... I was all ready to play around tonight with a new civ.

Yea, I never left a civ before - but was having issues at the very start of the game with bugs so I'm sure that is what is screwing me now.
I left the civ in my first game, just to see how it worked out. I ended up accidentally joining the strongest civ (which was full, so shouldn't have let me in) and then after time in the naughty chair, went to a weak civ. My troops ended up being upgraded to the level of the strongest civ (tanks and artillery) when they should have been musketeers and cavalry. It's kind of hard to feel too competitive and worry much about sportsmanship while the game is still so buggy.

In my other game, that's a bit more competitive and less buggy, I have considered leaving simply because my ideas of how we should win don't seem to be compatible with the rest of the team. Is that fair of me? I dunno. But if the current vote I've put up for invasion fails, I probably will leave, and perhaps try to take a couple of the more like-minded members with me. :devil:
It used to be that if you were Science Minister, you "owned" all the tech up to the point you were MVP, so people would leave and then there would be a "science fairy" effect if they joined a less developed civ. This is not supposed to happen now, but I noticed when I changed civs in a game recently, I was still researching a tech that I should not have had access to, according to the unresearched requirements in my new civ.
i have tried leaving the major Civ, only to be put right back in when i chose a different Civ. this is a pretty lame bug and makes the game not very fun. I actually have a friend in one of my games and we have been trying to get on the same team to no avail. just a lot of wasted time in the naughty chair.

When you leave a civ, any military that you have that you no longer know how to build, vanish.

I built 200 submarines right before leaving a civ. Lost them all, and 70 riflemen too. Fortunately I had credit for researching combustion and ... err ... whatever allows artillary. But still ... 200 submarines vanishing sucks.:mad:

When you leave a civ, any military that you have that you no longer know how to build, vanish.

I built 200 submarines right before leaving a civ. Lost them all, and 70 riflemen too. Fortunately I had credit for researching combustion and ... err ... whatever allows artillary. But still ... 200 submarines vanishing sucks.:mad:

Once you reach the tech for those units, they come back.
Once you reach the tech for those units, they come back.


You can't have units if you don't know the technology for them, once you learn the technology for them, they return.

Had this happen in my one game and was kinda perturbed I lost units by switching then we researched the tech and bam units back.
In my game my units disappeared when I went independent but came back after I joined a civ. So this means I'm benefiting from a glitch and this shouldn't happen?
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