Pre-turn - We'looking good.
A few deals end next turn.
260AD - Spain completes Smiths.
Trondheim pike -> MI
Bergen MI -> MI
Oslo market -> MI
Cancel all deals and declare on Persia.
We lose a vet horse, we kill a pike and 2 spears and raze Tyre. 5 slaves are added to our meager worker force. Steal 3 more slaves.
Shopping spree:
Spain would pay a whooping 59gpt for horses
Since they knows Navigation I give them horses for Engineering, 26gpt, 13g and WM! Those ponies are valuable.
I buy furs and wines from Maya for 12gpt.
I buy Invention and spices from Caesar for 61gpt and 3g.
Carthage give us silks for WM and 6gpt plus change.
Swap 4 cities to zerks and start researching Gunpowder at 30%, due in 20t for now. I actually could buy GP for most of our gold, but I'll wait a bit. I want our Golden age first.
270AD - Rome and Persia sign peace, go figure.
Disband warrior in Reykjavik and rush berserk for 112g.
280AD - Maya and Carthage sign peace.
We defend against immortal and knight.
Reykjavik zerk -> zerk.
Sword kills a knight and promotes to elite.
Zerk whacks hurt immortal and promotes, our GA begins:
We have 117gpt with no research and I want to know if we have saltpeter anywhere, before I continue the war. So 44gpt and 14g to Maya for Gunpowder.
No saltpeter in our area, all but Spain and Carthage got one source. Everyone knows Monotheism.
We have 73gpt still, another 42gpt go to Carthage for Monotheism. Everyone knows Chivalry and Theology, of course.
290AD - Spain and Persia sign peace
Attack Calakmul, lose a horse and kill 2 spears. Raze the city for 1 slave.
Elite sword kills pike, no luck.
Sword takes off 2 hps of reg pike guarding settler and lose 4 straight, elite horse kills him, no luck but 2 more slaves.
300AD - Lose a pike and a spear IT.
Trondheim zerk -> cathedral.
310AD - We lose another useless forted spear to a knight, it's down to 1hp though.
Bergen zerk -> cathedral.
Kill the offending knight.
Our new zerk kills pike and promotes.
We retreat 2 knights and kill an immortal.
320AD - Lose a hurt sword IT and retreat a knight.
Reykjavik zerk -> cathedral.
Oslo zerk -> cathedral.
Our little army is pretty beat up, but we kill 2 muskets, 1 immortal and 2 1hp knights and raze Ergili. Lost one sword, but gained 3 slaves.
Kill hurt knight with elite, no luck.
Lose sword against pike, elite zerk take him out and:
This is funny, I think it's been 3 games in a row where I got a leader the last turn
It would've been nice to get him earlier, so I could fought with an army. But ah well.
I can't continue this war, we are way too beaten up with most units on 1 or 2 hps, but fortunately Xerxes is willing to talk. Peace, trading 28pgt and 166g for Chemistry. Drats, I shouldn't done the other deals before, we could've gotten a better price in all, I think.
Spain alone knows Metallurgy. And they have over 4000 gold!
See that Russia doesn't know Chemistry, and without any gold for research or trading for a while, I give Cathy Chem for Theo. A bit cheap, but they will get it by themselves soon anyways.
Education and PP is known all over the place, except Russia.
I wanted to go for 2 more cities, but the losses IT took its toll.
330AD - Pillage some roads outside Persia's borders,
340AD - Nothing.
350AD - Maya and Spain sign peace.
Spain are building Magellans and now they have 5.5k gold
If we are building infra for a while now, we can trade away horses and iron (if we dare) and we might swing Education via PP. Russia lacks PP and horses, Carthage would be happy to get our iron. But then we all know Lee's opinions on that
Still, universities during GA might be worth a gamble.
The leader sits in Bergen, I guess army is our only choice.
I just left our healing forces near Persia for the only reason to play with the persian settler.