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LK85 - Deity, 5CCC+, Civ=TBD

preturn: switch taxman to scientist.

Spain is too rich! More than 10K in bank.

I buy wines from Maya by WM+9gpt+9g. I then lower lux to 10. In games like 5CC it's always cheaper to buy lux than raise lux rate.

IBT we lose two zerks.

(1)560AD: I cancel iron deal with Russia so we could trade to Carthage.

Upgrade all our spearmen first plus a horseman.

iron to Carthage for Magnetism+WM+12g.
Magnetism+34g to Rome for Metallurgy.
Metallurgy to Russia for Monarchy+WM+6g, hoping it gets Military Tradition for us.

I lose two horses and kill two knights.

I load 3 zerks into the army. Why didn't we do that???

I start researching ToG. We anyway want to buy it. We could buy with almost all our gpt but I decide not to bankrupt us.


I switch Oslo to granary - we really need faster growth.


Zerk army kills a knight and immortal.

IBT lots of knights and stuff move to Copenhagen, and we do not have enough defense.

(4)590AD: Fortunately Persia agrees to talk. I use our army to kill two muskets and raze Sardis. We have one more town to go. I say Rome next?

I make peace with Persia and get nothing from it. It is as backward as Russia and we are up Magnetism.

IBT Spain declares on Persia! Carthage starts Newton - it's got the tech.


(6)610AD: Spain completes Newton.

(7)620AD: Maya and Rome make peace. :(

(8)630AD: Rome has Military Tradition, but it has no saltpeter.

We could buy ToG and trade for MT, but we have no use for MT without saltpeter, so I continue to self-research.

(9-10) nothing

I think we should prepare to take on Rome and at least raze Neapolis. It only has pikes. I would found a town on the iron directly.

horses deal with Spain expires next turn, be sure to renew.
iron to Carthage for Magnetism+WM+12g.
Part of me wishes that iron would deplete so people would understand my paranoia.

I also really hate dealing with Carthage, as they would have made a great Galley with Berserk attack target. If there is a civ I want to see weak it is Carthage with its own landmass.

Signed up:
LKendter (currently playing)
Gozpel (on deck)

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 to complete.
Credit needed to city #6: 5 of 6 required razes.
+1 for Sardis

We must count the number of cities we raze. When the number of razed cities exceeded the number of cities we have we may build another city. After that the razed city count resets to zero.
For example:
We razed 6 cities. We build our 6th city. We must then raze another 7 cities (total of 13) for the right to build the 7th city.
Our city count can't ever exceed the amount allowed for even a millisecond.
650 AD
We have become way to dependent on slow moving Berserks. We have one lousy knight and can't even build any more due to lack of iron. Spain and the Maya are industrial, and the age of Berserks is pretty much over. We need to enter the age of cavalry.

660 AD
I ship Spain horses to finish off Theory of Gravity. I couldn't even squeeze $1/turn more.
I ship Rome ToG and $280 and get Military Tradition. Now the problem is how in the world to get some Saltpeter.

I start research on Medicine due in an absurd 46 turns. I hope the university and merging our natural workers will shave some time off of that.
(IT) We now have the option to build military academy. That could be a goal if we get another leader.

680 AD
Now that we have stopped paying Carthage money research can be upped, and Medicine is due in 27 turns. I also merged our last natural workers to increase gold and drop unit support.
(IT) Rome and Russia ally vs. Carthage.
Spain completes Shakespeare.

690 AD
No war has occurred yet with Rome, so I hope it can be fast. We simply don't have the units to survive a long war with pikeman for defenders.
(IT) I don't think it is a coincidence that Carthage and Rome sign peace.

700 AD
It costs us a couple of Berserks, but Neapolis is burnt to the ground for raze #6. We now have the right to city #6. We picked up 5 Roman workers for the trouble.
(IT) No Roman units head our way except for the Musket I say last turn?

710 AD
This is a holding action to heal the troops.
(IT) The Maya and Russia ally vs. Carthage. All of the alliances against Carthage are meaningless since you know how lame AI landings usually are. The only loss Carthage will probably suffer is the last city on the main continent.

Rome finally shows up and lost 1 knight and 1 longbow killing one Berserk.

720 AD
We are almost healed. I will have to decide soon on heading toward another city.
(IT) ARGGG. The first Roman cavalry showed up and killed 3 of the captured Roman workers. I lost a Berserk I didn't think was in danger.

730 AD
Based on seeing the cavalry I will simply wait for peace with Rome. Cavalry with pikeman defenders and no fast units of our own is a total joke to fight.

740 AD
Rome will talk and I take $4 and WM for peace.
(IT) The Maya ask for $21, and I gladly give it. The number of cavalry I saw from them was scary.

750 AD
Stockholm is formed and we have our sixth city and another iron source. It starts an immediate temple to get rid of the Roman culture pressure. I don't want our new iron city to flip.

Now that we have iron I switch cities to building knights so that we can hunt down fast units easier.


I would try to peel a couple workers from out cities to merge into Stockholm. We need to get that city productive ASAP.

Signed up:
Gozpel (currently playing)
Kaiser_Berger (on deck)

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 to complete.
Credit needed to city #7: 0 of 7 required razes.

We must count the number of cities we raze. When the number of razed cities exceeded the number of cities we have we may build another city. After that the razed city count resets to zero.
For example:
We razed 6 cities. We build our 6th city. We must then raze another 7 cities (total of 13) for the right to build the 7th city.
Our city count can't ever exceed the amount allowed for even a millisecond.

ship Spain horses to finish off Theory of Gravity. I couldn't even squeeze $1/turn more.

Not even some lumsum? It has a lot of cash.

With the new city we finally have an additional source of iron to trade.
I also tried a few bucks and got a no. We were right at the edge of getting the tech. When I asked what they would give for horses ToG wasn't suggested.
gozpel said:
That was a nice quick war :)
Well it did it's purpose. We got our 6th city and a spare iron source. Maybe we it will help us get lucky with coal. ;)
So what's the next target? Carthage? Or Rome? Or Persia?

We need to start worrying about runaway civs. Spain (fortunately not it's not Sumeria!) is researching much faster than anyone else. A dogpile would be good to have at some point.
microbe said:
So what's the next target? Carthage? Or Rome? Or Persia?
At this point it isn't clear. Another target does need picked. Maybe it is time for a few galleys worth of Zerks to go somewhere. They question is who. The Maya would eat us alive at the moment.
Pre-turn - By letting Bergen working the gem-mountain, we cut a turn of research ;)

We're paying 30gpt for 10% luxtax and wines from Maya is up for renewal. 19gpt, 12g and WM gives us wines AND furs from Maya. Zero luxes, but we need a couple of scientists and Medicine is down to 17 turns.

760AD - We got our iron back from Carthage, no one can give anything useful for it now.

770AD - Isabella have 14k gold and still wants 21 from us.

We build a couple of knights and will build a couple of workers for Stockholm.

Only Russia and Carthage would buy our iron, but they don't have anything to give.

780AD - Alright, Carthage have sorted out their economy and we sell them iron for 60gpt.

90% research would put us in deficit, so we go for 80%, due in 13 turns and +27g for now.

790AD - Medicine dropped 2 and I was worried someone learnt it, but it was only the library we built in Copenhagen. Hire a taxman in Copenhagen for a turn to keep research at 90%.

Peace is over with Persia, I can't start a war with an army and 2 knights, plus a few zerks. Not when X-man have cavs.

810AD - Rome join Spain against Persia.

The 2 workers are joined in Stockholm and it will grow next turn as well.

820AD - Carthage and Russia sign peace.

840AD - Spain and Russia sign MPP, Rome take the persian city of Ghulaman.

850AD - I left our little army (zerk-army, 5 knights and an elite horse) near Zohak, we can give it a go and hopefully roman troops takes care of counters. Next player can decide what to do.

All cities except Stockholm finished their Unis, Copenhagen is building court and we need to mine the mountains around there and irrigate the grass so it can be procuctive. I started mines already. So we have 4 cities building knights right now.

A couple of deals end next turn.

Medicine in 3 turns at -1gpt, I forgot to check if we can lower science.
Our big problem is Saltpeter. The next war really needs cavalry.

Signed up:
Kaiser_Berger (currently playing)
6thGenTexan (on deck)

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 to complete.
Credit needed to city #7: 0 of 7 required razes.

We must count the number of cities we raze. When the number of razed cities exceeded the number of cities we have we may build another city. After that the razed city count resets to zero.
For example:
We razed 6 cities. We build our 6th city. We must then raze another 7 cities (total of 13) for the right to build the 7th city.
Our city count can't ever exceed the amount allowed for even a millisecond.
Preturn- We look alright. We really could use saltpeter but the closest is under Mayan lock and key.

IT- zzz

T1 860

I figure sitting around doing nothing while Persia is taken down is no fun, so I decide to uses Gozple's setup. Another good reason to do it is that they just went Industrial and drew Nationalism, but still have Muskets in Zohak. We declare on Persia and move in on Zohak. Zerk army kills first musket, knight redlines but kills second musket and the city burns. We grab four more Persian slave alltogether.

IT- Persia and Spain sign peace :cringe:

T2 870

Take out a stray Persian cav.

IT- Spain declares war on Persia :crazyeye: We get Medicine, start on Steam for the moment.

T3 880

Medicine, 36gpt and 82g gets us Steam Power from Carthage. Do we have coal? I don't think I even need to tell you the answer to that one. The closest is buried deep in Mayan territory. They do have extra though :) Medicine could get us Industrialization, but the deal would bust our economy and feed a growing Mayan monster. Instead I get coal, Econ, Navigation and 1g from them for Medicine. We turn around and go to Rome, who lacks Steam and get 61gpt for it. We set research to Electricity, as everyone lacks it and we stand a decent chance of grabbing ToE in this game.

IT- zzz

T4 890

Kill another stray Persian cav.

IT- zzz

T5 900

Another Persian cav killed.

IT- zzz

T6 910

Move army and some knights towards Gordium.

IT- zzz

T7 920

Army moves closer to Gordium, reveal muskets still defending.

IT- zzz

T8 930

Army kills a rifle, we lose a couple knights on killing two muskets but Gordium, the city containing Copernicus, is reduced to rubble.

IT- zzz

T9 940

Move slaves back home.

IT- zzz

T10 950

Nothing much new.


Our war has gone well so far. We can probably pound Persia to the point where they might give us Nationalism for our tech in peace. We have a couple of cities hooked up to a military railnet, but it has a long way to go. No one has Electricity yet, its due for us in 15 turns.
We can probably pound Persia to the point where they might give us Nationalism for our tech in peace.
I would be shocked if we get a freebie, as IA techs are very hard to get. However, we may net a very healthy discount. With the nature of the game and fighting mobilization option would be nice.


Signed up:
6thGenTexan (currently playing)
Microbe (on deck)

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 to complete.
Credit needed to city #7: 2 of 7 required razes.
+Zohak, Gordium

We must count the number of cities we raze. When the number of razed cities exceeded the number of cities we have we may build another city. After that the razed city count resets to zero.
For example:
We razed 6 cities. We build our 6th city. We must then raze another 7 cities (total of 13) for the right to build the 7th city.
Our city count can't ever exceed the amount allowed for even a millisecond.
Indeed getting Nationalism straight up would be a shocker, but right now we're in the fortunate spot of being up Medicine and Steam on Xerxes. When I checked the peace offer those two techs managed to get it down to doubtful, so another raze or two might do the trick.
Kaiser_Berger said:
Indeed getting Nationalism straight up would be a shocker, but right now we're in the fortunate spot of being up Medicine and Steam on Xerxes. When I checked the peace offer those two techs managed to get it down to doubtful, so another raze or two might do the trick.
If he is wasting time on government tech research, then a couple more razes will help. Of course 5 more razes and we get our 7th city. Will Persia be that nice?

Now are we beating up Persia cause they are nearby, or revenge for LK79?
LKendter said:
Now are we beating up Persia cause they are nearby, or revenge for LK79?

I can't speak for the rest of the team, but beating on Persia has been especially rewarding in the fact that it allows some of the demons from LK79 to be put to rest. At least in this game there won't be any chance of Xerxes getting any :nuke:, a fact we can all be happy with.
:bump: To keep from page 2.

6thGenTexan isn't late yet as he still has a few hours left of the 48 hours.
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