Location of CIV IV Game Save Files on Linux/Steam Proton? (SOLVED)


Best Resource; Always Wins
Oct 25, 2022
In Your Capital's Starting Ring
Hello all,

I am on a new linux machine, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me find the location of my save files so that I can cut-paste one sent to me over so that I can play their save myself.
@Pangaea I know uses linux, but has not been seen here for some time. I'm not sure who else uses linux. I'm not familiar with it either. I think it would be in a location equivalent to Windows's My Documents folder. You might try just googling on keywords for advice.
@Pangaea I know uses linux, but has not been seen here for some time. I'm not sure who else uses linux. I'm not familiar with it either. I think it would be in a location equivalent to Windows's My Documents folder. You might try just googling on keywords for advice.
Tragically, I did, and even thought I can see the hidden files and navigate into steam, I can't seem to find the solution of just where CIV IV's save files are. A reddit post postulated the same thing you did, but concluded only Sid Meier himself would know at this point on Linux lol. Otherwise, I'd certainly share! I'm Linux is pretty byzantine online help-wise. If you'd like to go through some ideas/solutions with me, I'm game so long as we post the results of our findings here should we be successful.

Just getting CIV IV to run on linux can be a bit of a challenge in the first place.
Well, in Windows, saves would not be located under anything called Steam. Do you know where your local non-program files are stored on your machine? I'd search for civ or bts there. I don't know why these files would be hidden.
Ah..it appears linux kinda runs like old UNIX and DOS a bit. So you find directories by typing commands.

I'd recommend starting my googling with very basic concepts and work down from there.
This seemed promising but refers to WINE:


It took awhile experimenting and searching around, but I'll post the results! I was successfully able to move in a save file from civfanatics and load it on Linux!
How to find Civilization IV (CIV IV) Steam save files on Linux:

First, make sure your hidden folders are showing (press ctrl-h or tick the box in the menu for "Show Hidden Files") and then use this path to navigate:

Home/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/8800/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Saves/single

Copy-paste or cut-paste your downloaded game save into this location, which should contain all of your other single-player saves. There you have it!
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