looking for editors ...


not deity
Nov 10, 2008
of any type that would work beside the game's own . Have downloaded Steph's for the second time . It asks for Net something which ı found from Microsoft's site in its 4.0 version and as ı don't have web connection at home , it is a tedious process carrying the requested pieces one by one from downloads at webcafes to home . Ideally the editor should be capable of working alone and capable of naming multiple units with the same name . The LOTM ı am interested in working on a bit , has lots of units named the same and ı would like to keep it the same way .
If there's a way you can connect your computer at a friend's house and update windows and download the proper version of dotnet framework, it would save you a lot of time and a nervous breakdown ;)
ı probably will give up sometime this year , the thing requires 46MB if ı get it right , ı might now have 1 at the moment . ı really hate lugging the machine around but it seems posible one day .
ı have checked this sometime ago , ı believe this one is the normal editor ported to Mac systems . Guess it wouldn't be able to multiple naming thing .

thanks for suggestion and the good will , this fatalist always appreciates such stuff .
howdy r16,

you are quite welcome! [*grin*]

the editor is written in java so it is very much cross platform. also, java is a LOT less obnoxious to maintain than ms dot net. the author added an option to set various levels of strictness in the editor. you may want to try the multi-naming stuff to see what happens.

plus, development is ongoing and the author is responsive to requests.

take care,
Hi r16,

I'm even later on this, but I wrote the editor Lee Dailey linked to, and just found this thread. It does actually support multiple units with the same name, which I added to it last July (2011). The basic philosophy with my editor is that it's basically the same as the standard editor (it is Civ3, after all), but it's both cross platform, and doesn't have the arbitrary restrictions that Firaxis's editor has. At first that was partly due to it being quicker to not include them, but then I realized that you could actually do things in-game that you couldn't normally because of that, so it became a feature.

Provided that you have a sufficiently recent version of Java (likely, the version it requires came out in 2004 and that or a newer version is more likely than not included with any PC bought from mid-2005 onwards), the download is small enough to fit on an empty 3.5 inch floppy diskette, so hopefully it isn't too difficult to transport from the web cafe.
Ideally the editor should be capable of working alone and capable of naming multiple units with the same name . The LOTM ı am interested in working on a bit , has lots of units named the same and ı would like to keep it the same way .

Actually there's no magic there. We just added spaces to the end of names to make them unique.
thanks for the answers .

editor downloaded , thread checked and fingers crossed as though my computer has kept me from going nuts from boredom since 2004 or so , it has also given lots of pain with this or that file missing .

as for the naming , would that be like using _ or just using the space key ?
thanks again , will try myself as soon as ı clear enough space in the computer , have clogged it once again .
excuse me for the bump , but ı have kinda lost my previous computer to get a new one with a new Civ . Alas there is no editor for the Vanilla which was quite useful for directly putting sea and ocean tiles right next to land . Something ı would like to have for a pet project of mine . My XP Vanilla had gone corrupt anyhow . Any chance to get the Vanilla editor , do the new editors have that facility ?
The Vanilla editor lets you put ocean next to land? Interesting. I might have to investigate that.

I'm not sure there's a way to get the vanilla editor if your Civ copy didn't install it. There's a small chance that installing one of the Vanilla patches might install it, since some of those do update the editor, but my expectation would be that the patch probably wouldn't run since you'd already have Conquests/Complete.

None of the new editors support vanilla files. My editor does now support putting sea tiles next to land - when you select the terrain, and choose Sea from the drop-down list, you can check the "Deepwater Harbour" option to place them. That is a fairly new addition, so you'll need to download a newer version if you haven't already. It doesn't support putting ocean next to land, however. I didn't know that had ever been possible, so I'll have to fire up the old vanilla editor and try it out when I'm home.
to be honest my Vanilla was kinda corrupt already , had some time discussing whether ı was having real Scientific Ages with Conquests built on that Vanilla but before patchs were applied . So can't say whether it's the case that you could put sea next to land . Though ı am sure the Huge Earth scenario of Vanilla has either Sea or Ocean to cut maritime contact between North and South America on the Pasific side . Downloading yours in any case . Thanks for the pointers .

edit on the 25th : Checked it at home and alas it now follows the rules . Something that hurt me even more was that a particular save ı had uploaded to CFC for a question on game mechanics ; based on the said Vanilla scenario it too has Coast added to the map in Central America .
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