[LUA] Does pUnit:GetPlot() work in Civ VI?


Apr 11, 2019
See title. Feel free to ask me to remove this if I'm wasting space.

Also, does "IMPROVEMENT" still exist as a valid type?
See title. Feel free to ask me to remove this if I'm wasting space.
Also, does "IMPROVEMENT" still exist as a valid type?
There is GetPlotId added in one of expansions, but only for UI context.
For both contexts, GetX and GetY work, and then Map.GetPlot.
Once you have a plot, use GetImprovementType to get its improvement. Returns -1 if there is none.
IMPROVEMENT is not a valid type in the game data.
Alright. So I can call a unit to give me its plot, then call the improvement ID via the plot, as before? Thanks!
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