Nearly all "GetSomething" methods return an integer ID # that associates to the ID # of a row within an XML game-table. So, Plot:GetContinentType() is going to return the integer ID # for the plot's continent which tracks back to table "Continents". To determine the In-Game Text name of the continent thus returned, do so
local iContinentType = Plot:GetContinentType()
local sContinentName = Locale.Lookup(GameInfo.Continents[iContinentType].Description)
You can then print the resulting Text value into the log, etc.
If you want to look at the actual "ContinentType" designation from table "Continents" such as "CONTINENT_AFRICA" then you can do as:
local iContinentType = Plot:GetContinentType()
local sContinentType = GameInfo.Continents[iContinentType].ContinentType
You would thus be translating the integer ID # returned from the Plot:GetContinentType() method into the text-string for the appropriate ContinentType as registered within game-table "Continents"
Game-table "Continents" can be found in file Maps.xml in folder
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