Gosh, I hate it when the forum logs me out while I'm typing a post. Guess I better start typing in Notepad. Okay, now that I'm typing this for the second time....
Gorn, thanks for your compliment about the layout.
As for the resources, I know it seems I was biased in favor of Europe, but that's not the case. I tediously counted the resources placements in both atlases, and wherever possible, placed them where they actually occur. For example, according to the atlases I used, England has six major coal deposits and four major iron ore deposits, while all of China has only 14 major coal deposits and 29 iron deposits. Europe as a whole continent has 31 iron deposits (34 if you count the Ural Mtns.) and 19 coal deposits.
Its not fair to all the civs, true, that's just where Nature or Nature's God put them. (Yes, England seems pretty crowded. I suppose I could kill off most of the game. Poor Bambi.) I aimed for realism, because I reasoned it would be easier for others to thin out what is already there than it would for them to research and painstakingly place what is missing. I feel the map is rather enlightening, when you see how poor some countries are in strategic resources, like coal and iron, but how rich in luxuries like gems, ivory, spices, or others. And then some regions are just bleak.
I'm glad you noticed Sicily and the two islands at Japan's extremities, Kyushu and Hokkaido (did I spell those right?). I agonized over the placement of those. When forced to choose between reflecting the fact they are seperate islands or placing them as close as possible to their actual geographic locations, I opted for geographic placement. Again, I was shooting for realism, or as much as is allowed by a map this small. If they didn't hit the 512 city limit, I would play on a 256 or 362 map.
Thanks for writing, Gorn. You made my day, and made me feel my effort was worthwhile. BTW, since you know Japan very well, how does it look, besides the joining of the two islands? Did I miss any important resources there? How does the terrain look for Japan? I spent more than an hour trying to figure out how to place Mt. Fujii in a way that would seem accurate, and wasn't entirely satisfied with any of the options the limited number of grid squares allowed me.