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Magister Modmod

Yeah, I kinda figured that I hadn't fixed it after breaking it. It was working before I tried to make terrain/improvements/buildings alter the amount of damage, but messed it up then. The spell was "working" but not doing any damage the last time I tested it. I changed the was the terrain boni were given, but somehow forgot that fix.

I'll make sure its working before releasing the next version, but that might be a while. I have a lot of homeworks due tomorrow, and have barely started. Also, I intend for it to be a much larger modmod than version 1.
Fawns and other disciple units are taking 2million and change turns to preserve forest. I mean that literally, 2147483647 is the actual number I'm looking at here.
Oh, that means I forgot to give them a work rate. Only workers, slaves and arcane units have work rate normally, because they are the only units to build anything. The number is what the computer believes a number divided by 0 equals (it certainly can't represent infinity or undefined as an int or a double)

Thats an easy change to make, just put some value in the <iWorkRate> tag or the units that are taking too long. I believe that 100 is the normal worker work rate (it is a percentage of the standard rate, I believe), but that elven workers have a work rate of 80, dwarven workers have a rate of 125,mud golems have a rate of 150, adepts have a rate of 300, and slaves have a rate of 50. Pick any rate you want.

You could also just use workers.

Why am I still on here and not doing my home work?!
It appears I left off a unit. Oddly, Elven workers and elven slaves are the only workers and slaves NOT able to preserve forests. That seems counter intuitive. Oh well, elves don't really need another forests improvement, do they? ;)

I'll fix it in the next version, or maybe limit it to FoL units instead (and give them build rates).

In the mean time, you can use slavery and preserve the forests with all non-elven slaves.

By the way, what do you think about Eleven workers being slower than others, and not having the ability to build on forests? (thats civ specific) I'm thinking of removing the Elf and Dwarven worker UUs, and just having the graphics differ based on the racial promotion (maybe also giving a work rate boost from the Khazad Palace). Of course, tieing graphics to promotiosn might require C++, in which case it would have to wait at least several months (or never happen)
Well, elves ARE pretty physically weak, and/or lazy due to longer lifespan. So it does make sense they work poorly for other people. And for themselves it makes sense to take longer for work because either they are working in a forest, or they are wishing they were working in a forest ;)
I found this in the subforum. I had been waiting for it in the main forum.

Not to sound like a pain-in-the-arse (that I am), but when will it be patch G compliant???
I'd love to see your ideas and implementation of splitting the barbarian state. That sounds cool. And more resources are always a good idea IMO!
Not to sound like a pain-in-the-arse (that I am), but when will it be patch G compliant???

Definitely not this week. I'm probably about to fail a homework assignment because I've been spending too much time here or coming up with new ideas. They will take time to implement. I'll be starting from scratch for patch g version (well, using a compare tool to copy some of my changes, and starting from scratch on others), I haven't started yet, and I want to include more features than I have time to code.

It is possible that I'll get it out around Sunday, but my personal goal is to release it on my 20th birthday (next Friday, February 1st); it could take longer.
I'm giving the Empyrean some other bonuses to compensate, like their second hero and probably a FoL-treant-esque (but rarer) chance of having invaded deserts spawn Sand Lion or Aurealis defender (perhaps more likely in Malakim lands).

I want Empyrean Priests to be available to both Empyrean State religion and Order state religion Civs, since it is clearly stated that the Priests of Lugus and Sirona are officially sanctioned but required to assist the Order in its Crusades. I also wanted to give the religion a better chance to spread, as it is a late religion.

I'll probably insert a python block to limit their availability. I'm thinking they should require either Empyrean state religion or Good alignment (so the Order civs could still build, as could Good Leaves and Runes.)

Because of the frequent complaints about Lichdom being unbalanced for the civ that control the Sepulcher and/or Staff of Souls, I'm requiring the Soul Debt tech and allowing it to be cast by any arcane unit on any Death Node. Casting it will destroy the node and mana source, just like resurrection destroys life nodes/mana. I think I'll also forbid Good civs from using it (maybe also neutral)

I think that it would be much more interesting if you could make the player alignment shift one step toward evil (like a religion does) for creating a lich rather than blocking it outright. This would represent a cost for seeking power in unnatural ways and incur possible diplo penalties ("you use death mana" and "you are evil"). Power corrupts!
What would you think if a added a unit for each of the Towers that lead to the Tower of Mastery? I'm not sure whether I want world units or national units (limit 1 either way), or if I want to make them very expensive, cheap, or even free to the first player to finish the appropriate tower, or if they should require upgrading from an arcane unit of a certain minimum level. I'm thinking:

Great Necromancer: requires Tower of Necromancy. Starts with Hero, channeling 1-3, Sorcery, Summoning, Death 1-2, Dimensional 1. Strength 1, movement 1, 2 death affinity. Can cast Necromastery without the Staff of Souls.

Lord of the Elements: requires Tower of Elements. Starts with Hero, channeling 1-3, Sorcery, Summoning, Water 1, Fire 1, Earth 1, Air 1. Strength 1, movement 1, 1 Fire affinity, 1 Water affinity, 1 Air affinity, 1 Earth affinity. Can cast a new "Elemental Mastery" spell, basically the same as Necromastery or Dynamis Agares, but for Elementals instead of Demons or the Undead.

Magic Infuser (probably needs a better name): requires Tower of Alteration. Starts with Hero, channeling 1-3, Sorcery, Divine, Enchantment, Nature 1, Body 1. Has a spell that creates some new pieces of Equipment (not sure what yet)

For the Tower of Divination I can't think of a good unit, so I'm thinking of having it provide a free Great Prophet instead. The Wonder already grants a free tech anyway, so it doesn't need a huge bonus.

I like this. This would be a good way to eliminate the annoying aspect of not getting archmages on maps that fail to generate reagents. Perhaps Archmage could be reduced to a national unit with a limit of 1 and each of the specialized great mages would round out the top tier magicians. I definately like the idea of making them national units to keep the game competative in more ways than just racing to be the first to build.

Is there a way that you can prompt the player to name national units (like naming a city when it is built)? It would be cool if the game would encourage naing Archmages et al. I realize that this is already possible if you click on them...

I don't think that they need the hero promotion. They will gain exp fast enough anyway. Perhaps allow them to get "free promotions" when built. Perhaps have some special promotions that they can get with Combat V (like mana affinity, protection from marksmen, etc.) the way that heroes get special promos with Combat V
Definitely not this week. I'm probably about to fail a homework assignment because I've been spending too much time here or coming up with new ideas. They will take time to implement. I'll be starting from scratch for patch g version (well, using a compare tool to copy some of my changes, and starting from scratch on others), I haven't started yet, and I want to include more features than I have time to code.

It is possible that I'll get it out around Sunday, but my personal goal is to release it on my 20th birthday (next Friday, February 1st); it could take longer.

Happy Birthday!

Take your time and make it right. I'll give it a run when you have some of the bugs worked out.

I plan to install your mod in its own directory called FfH Magister Mod so I will actually have two installs of FfH in my BTS/Mods directory. Your name will be a directory on my computer...Even Kael doesn't have his own directory!

Not to sound preachy, but do your homework first. You will be happier in the long run if you do. Take it from a 31 year old college student for the 2 cents that it is worth (I don't feel too bad being a student at 31, I started my Masters studies this past year).
If you are making a folder for the mod (which I highly suggest), here is an Icon to use for your new shortcut ;) (it's just Magister's Avatar. Anyone have a better choice let me know, piece of cake to make small Icons).
Please make Treants not cost military support (ljos world spell = instant -100+ per turn)

Please make the circle of Gaelan not such an impossibility to found. It's not just rare, it's absent. I have 24 hours invested in my current game and it's never been founded, even after the first event goes off.

Please improve the Rathus Denmora hero. He's no Gilden Silveric even with the netherblade. In fact, I tend to build him just to get the netherblade on somebody else ( like a religious hero.. Sphener is a beast with the netherblade added to him) and just ignore Rathus after that.

Please add second hero for the Amurites,like a melee or firebow hero.
Cute: Just go change the <iWeight>400/1600/3200</iWeight> (respectively) to something like <iWeight>32/32/32</iWeight> or even <iWeight>-1/-1/-1</iWeight>.

Second option means that 3 turns after the first mage guild is built the Circle will be founded (assuming proper options are selected). The other should work and keep it from happening TOO quickly, but still happen.

And make sure you build the first Mage Guild, the computer might be beating you to it and selecting the wrong options.
I don't yet know how to add any events. I probably won't include any event changes in the next version, because I'd rather have more experience first

I'm not sure How I want to improve Rathus yet.

I don't intend to give the Amurites (or any civ) a second normal national hero; however, eventually I'd like every civ to have a national/religious hero and/or a religious UUs for each religion they could choose. For example, The Amurites could have an arcane Archmage/Summoner/Divine AV hero, a Philosopher-Mage (perhaps having the Peace spell like Corindale) for the Empyrean, or Holy Firebows for the Order.
which file do I edit the weights in? eventschema or eventtriggerinfos?
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