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Magister Modmod

I dont like the +2 exp for fend for themselves. That overpowers the option greatly, considering it's also dirt cheap to run and has no drawbacks other than -1 health.
Making emperyan priests avalable to everyone is not so good. would it be possible to make them not be avalable to evil civs, and if you have the emperyan state religion gain the sorcery promotion (all of the sorcery spells fit with their theme, some even more then their current spells)
The first part is definitely possible, and planned (I just haven't gotten around to adding the python block yet. I may require either Empyrean state religion or Good Alignment, or require either Empyrean or Order religion))

I'm not quite so sure that fireball or especially meteor fit them well, and giving those with the state religion the sorcery promotion would be a little harder. Sun, life, and spirit sorcery spells do make sense though. Do you think it would be ok for these priests to not to have fire magic, even though so many of Bhall's angels now serve Lugus?
I dont like the +2 exp for fend for themselves. That overpowers the option greatly, considering it's also dirt cheap to run and has no drawbacks other than -1 health.

Shhhh. I was hoping no one would bring this up.
Well, technically it has the drawback of -1 relations with certain leaders. But that's not much of a balancing factor, especially considering there is little reason for non-Expansive leaders to run Protect the Meek, and even Public Healers isn't quite worth it's upkeep, IMO.
I think I'll add 1 unhappiness to fend for themselves civic too. At least 1 free xp is needed, imho

I just noticed that the all the graphics in AoI used are found uncompressed in the folder. I think that means that mammoth riders, polar bears, disciples of the hand, frostlings, frost giants, ice golems, and maybe Drifa the White Dragon (summoned through the Illian word spell? along with casting blizzard on every tile?) will be making a comeback in my modmod very soon...

Also, I was wondering if someone would like to create the graphics for the new promotions and spell buttons, and possibly also a few buildings and units. Currently I'm reusing other buttons, and I don't mind that personally, but it could eventually get confusing. Currently dimensional 1 and 2 look the same, Ice promotions look the same as Air (Ice mana resource also looks the same as Air, but I don't think that matters. The button to build the node should probably be different though), Tutor looks like arcane, "prone to melting" (which will make ice summons weaken and die in warmer tiles, and weaken them to fire) looks like vulnerable to fire, famished looks like weak, satiated looks like strong, Malleus Vindex (Basium's war hammer equipment) looks like a golden hammer (both promo and unit), anti-racial promotions (both ___Slayer and ___Bane) look exactly like the racial promotions they fight, the the new weapons promotions look like the old ones (which are still in, in a modified form), frostbite (given by offensive ice spells, will randomly either damage or immobilize a unit each turn), looks like contagion. Also I'd like new looks for some resources, at least camels and goats.
I do believe that gaining a Dragon from your Worldspell will be by far the most beneficial long-term effect of any existing spells. Could be cool, but will need a requirement fairly late in the tech tree or you'd have no reason NOT to use it on turn 1. Personally I prefer to have as few or as early of requirements on world spells as possible so that it must be weighed strategically on when to use it, not just tossed as soon as available.

Going to come up with a "storyline" reason why they can make golems now that Barnaxus is gone?
I'd kinda assumed that Barnaxus taught Mulcarn and his priests to build them, instead of making them all personally. I don't have any strong evidence to support that, but maybe I'll use the mechanic that they spawned only from GPP provided by temples of the hand to justify it. :p Or I could make it so that either the Luchuirp or Illians can rebuild Barnaxus, and then make the spell both civ specific and unit specific.

I'm thinking the Illian worldspell is has to be quite powerful, representing the ascension of Auric back into godhood and the beginning of a second ice age. I'm thinking it should require Divine Essence, Ice III promotion on the caster, maybe a minimum level, and can only be cast on Letum Frigus. It would be the strongest spell in the game, but also the hardest to get.

Would it be possible to make a building (or wonder) that stops a city from ever shrinking? Possibly also slowing (but probably not completely stopping) the growth rate? That seems like an excellent effect for an ice-mana-requireing building/wonder, possible a temporary spell-building to replace one of these spells. The spells I've added in xml (but not yet in Python) so far are all militant, and I'd like a good peaceful "stasis sphere" spell.
For Fend for Themselves, I'd say the unhappiness penalty may be a little much. Maybe better to take a second Health. The reason is that the unit bonus comes into play only in a few cities and only every few turns, while the health/happiness penalties hit every city all the time.

Even so, FFT is still the most attractive option for this Civic. There are so many better and cheaper ways to deal with health that I rarely use the ones coming from the advanced techs. I'd like to see either their costs lowered or their bonuses increased.
Well, from the Lore, I am wondering if the Illian people are actually people, or just ghosts. I haven't read much lore on them overall.

Maybe you could toss in a unique ritual, with HUGE production requirements, to cause the Letum Frigus to appear on the map in a random location if it is not already on the map? Be a nice solution to the possibility that it simply isn't on the map.

Overall, pretty awesome that it is so hard to get and potentially so strong. Using the Frozen World mechanic for the Blizzard? If so, ought to think about just how many turns you want the freeze to last. I'd aim for maybe 80-190 turns random on each tile.

Smokehouse and Granary retain 20% food on population growth... can you easily set a trigger for food retention on population loss? Maybe make a building with 100% food retention on loss of population, thus meaning they immediately can regrow the lost population? And I assume you already picked apart Fallow's code to see if it could help?
I'm pretty sure that Illians are indeed living, mortal men who worshiped Mulcarn. Some of them have spent much of their life frozen solid though, in stasis until they are needed in the battle field.

Eh, I guess I could add a ritual that creates the unique feature if not present, but then you'd just ask for one for every other unique feature. ;) :p It also seems like a bigger deal if you have to search the world to find your old palace, and quite possibly fail. (If I wanted to delve into code for map generation, I could probably make it so that the Letum Frigus would always be in the game is the Illians are)

I was thinking that the number of turns that blizzard turns land to tundra/snow would be random for each tile but based on a number of factors, such as the amount of Ice mana the caster's civ controls and possibly the amount of sun/fire/nature mana that the tile's owner has. I'm adding blizzard as the Sorcery III Ice spell (I've already finished the xml part, mostly copying Maelstrom, but not yet done the python), which would their world spell would cast everywhere, or just have similar but more widespread effects. If I choose the latter, I'll probably make it cover the land with ice for far longer.

I don't think that retaining food on population loss is possible/easy to do. I haven't looked at the Fallow trait code, because I believe it is all compiled C++ code in the custom .dll.

vehem has gotten I want to work (see the [MODCOMP] Doviello Icehouse thread), but it also relies on a modified SDK. I don't think I'll be able to add both the ability to make the spell work this way and to keep all the abilities of the Unit Statistics modmod, unless I learn a lot about C++ coding in a very short time.

Edit: vehem went ahead and compiled a dll combining his changes, UnitStats, and the fix for events always selecting the same unit. It isn't as big as I'd feared, so I'll be using it. The Ice sphere is pretty much done, as is The Illian World Spell ("Return of Mulcarn"), but there are still some bugs to work out and some more features to add. Also, I really shouldn't be working on it when I have this much homework to do...
So how's that homework coming along? I'm really looking forward to the next version of your mod.
Well, I'm still kinda busy but I have done some work on the mod lately. Unfortunately my attempt to borrow unit graphics from AoI (Ice Golems, Frostings, Frost Giants, Mammoth Riders, and Drifa the White Dragon) seems to cause the came to crash before it finished loading. I think I may have to go back to the normal graphics and then very carefully add one unit's graphics at a time.
Kael just released another patch, so my modmod will be based on patch I. Since I have already added a bunch of stuff and since it may take some time to make the UnitStats mod and Doviello icehouse C++ code compatible, this may delay my modmod yet again. If I have time I'll try to teach myself enough C++ to include these and a few changes of my own, but having vehem do it for me again would be nice (this assumes that the patch changes the SDK at all)

Actually, I was thinking of starting over anyway. I though I had undone whatever problems I caused when trying to include AoI graphics, but it was still crashing before it finished loading every time.
As long as you enjoy the learning and crafting process.

I'm doing a bit of work on nwn2 and the frustration takes turns with the satisfaction... usually when things i'm sure would work turn out not to, for no discernable reason.

I don't know, maybe eventually. I haven't though of anything for the creation sphere (I probably won't add it), and I'm not sure how I want to implement Metamagic yet (or how to implement what I'm thinking of).

I really can't think of any summoning (or Divine, but what religion would have metamagic?) spells. Perhaps I would take a similar approach as with Dimensional II and make it grant promotions to summons instead (maybe making it replace the empower promotions with actual combat promotions for metamagic 1, giving both for matamagic 2, and giving most of the caster's other promotions (city raider, shock, cover, heroic strength, etc) for matamagic 3. (This would probably require changes in the SDK)

I would really like it if matamagic would increase the passive effects of the other mana types, and would make your casters stronger/more likely to cast successfully (not fail or miscast. Chaos mana should increase miscasting chances) and make your rivals spells less likely to successfully cast spells in your territory. I might also make each level grant a little free caster xp. Only the Amurites would start with this mana, and I might not even let other civs get it (or not allow adepts to build it. You need a more knowledgeable mage to understand how to harness higher magic.)

I was thinking of making Ring of Warding a metamagic spell instead of a constructed building, but I'm not sure how I want to do it yet. I could make it a temporary building like Hope or Inspiration, but I would rather you be able to cast it anywhere, even outside of cities. I making it either a feature or improvement, but I that would unfortunately remove either other features (like forests) or other improvements (like forts and even unique features). I would also have to make the feature/improvement be temporary somehow, possibly through editing the doMapTurn function in CustomFunctions.py, and wouldn't like that you would never be able to get the old feature/improvement back (I would also like to make wall of stone work like this, creating a temporary fort). I guess I could just have it work through promotions...

I was also thinking of moving dispel magic from chaos to metamagic, but I'm not sure what to put in the Chaos II Sorcery spot. Also, I don't know if this or ring of warning should be level 1 or two; both seem like a level 2 spell to me.

Hmm...it might make sense for metamagic not to have a level 1 spell at all (giving free caster xp for level 1 instead), bit have 2 level 2 spells. It seems logical that it would take more study to utilize the deeper principles of magic.

I was thinking that metamagic 3 would be able both to create a raw mana resource anywhere you want or to destroy an existing mana source (probably in enemy territory; this would be an act of war), but would kill the caster.
I haven't though of anything for force yet either. It is as unlikely as Creation, but I'm not ruling either out entirely in case I get some epiphany about some truly awesome, flavorful spells (or if someone gives me a really good suggestion) that I know how to implement.

Force actually doesn't seem like a sphere of magic at all; it seems to me like it would represent actual physics like in the real world, in which case it is represented by every currently in the game except for magic (both arcane and divine), angels, demons, undead, (un)holy damage, death damage, etc. I don't think that it really need to be implemented magically.
I have suggestions for Metamagic
Metamagic (Sorcery) III could be a spell with a 50% chance of destroying an enemy mages promotion (all of them). It is very powerful, and a failed attempt would cause the caster to lose Metamgic II and III. Metamagic (Sorcery) II could prevent mages from casting in ajacent tiles for the next 10 turns.
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